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Otter creek
Don't know about the Ice at Otter creek
but I would bet the scouts would have more fun at Fish Lake catching perch
There a little older than scouts. They want to go after the fat rainbows at Otter Creek. I agree with you, perch fishing at Fish Lake can be fun with scouts. I'm taking scouts there in March.
Edges gets soft at Otter by mid morning. If targeting big bows I have the best luck in the coves that can be accessed from dirt road 78 and 79 near the damn. Don't have go out too far. I catch my bigger ones on edges that 12ft to 15ft deep. Attached last February pic of my buddy first trout through ice. I spoiled him now.
We had a lot of fun at Otter Creek today. Ice was between 9" to 13" at the dam. We fished from 10' to 18' of water. We caught a lot of small fish but we caught some nice fish also. My daughter out fished everyone and caught the most and biggest fish.
Good catching.

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