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Here I come Snake
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]I'm heading for Jackson Hole, Wy in search of some Cuts, Bows, Browns or what ever. For the night my dog and I are holed up in St. George, Ut. Will make another stop over in Ogden tomorrow night. Then onto Moran. Hope that the weather cools off a bit. Was about 103+ today. Looking to wade in some nice cooool water. Later guys.[/size][/green][/font]
Good Luck and have fun DRYROD. [url ""][Image: 4_17_209.gif][/url]

[url ""][Image: sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb068&pp=ZNxdm801BNUS][/url]
Should be nice. Just got back from Altamont and it was a little cooler up there. Got up to the Lodge monday. No Clients till Tuesday so I went to fish the lakes. Skies were getting blacker and blacker, but, I didn't care (had my rain gear on).
Suddenly, there were these explosions all over the lake. I am looking at them going what the [url "mailto:h$%@ll"]h%^&#ll[/url] is going on?! Golf ball size hail stones. WOW!. I am looking at my car thinking of laying on the hood to protect it. Luckly, it didn't hit my car that hard (only a few for some reason. Sat in my car for about 10 minutes, then it was gone. We got hit again with the storm last night, but no hail. Made for some killer fishing however (rivers) The lakes were suffering the ol' full moon nightly feed feast, so they were very slow during the day.
Heading up Idaho way this weekend myself. Maybe I can get some fishing in istead of watching everyone else. Ahhhhh, the life of a guide LOL

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