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How hard is it?
[font "Fixedsys"][black]I started this in another post but think it deserves one of it's own.[/black][/font]
[font "Fixedsys"][black]I will start with a couple of examples:[/black][/font]
[font "Fixedsys"][black]1st - was fishing the inlet to Echo, there were some foreigners fishing across the river, using power puddy and worms. Not sure where they were from sounded Scandinavian, anyway, threw there empty bottles and worm styro right in the river along with the drink cans and plastic bag on the shore. They started to walk away, I hollered at them, you probably don't understand what I am saying but you must understand OINK! How dare you leave our land like this. They laughed and walked away[mad][/black][/font]
[font "Fixedsys"][black]2nd: I do some stillwatering in the summer and go to this lake called Grantsville. Smaller Res. full of Trout (mostly planters)[/black][/font]
[font "Fixedsys"][black]Use to be able to drive right down to the bank, but I noticed more than one, people would have a nice picnic, unpack the ice chest and bags of chips/buns whatever. I also noticed that they would leave those plastic bags with a nice little knot in the top sitting right where they were sitting....come on, you have to pass a dumpster on your way out and the diapers are the worst.[/black][/font]
[font "Fixedsys"][black][/black][/font]
[font "Fixedsys"][black]I do get mad,steaming mad. What do they think happens to it!?[/black][/font]
[font "Fixedsys"][black]I do admit, I will go to extremes and I am asking for trouble, but PICK IT UP![/black][/font]
[font "Fixedsys"][black]Getting off a freeway one time, a lady threw her fries out the problem the birds will eat it, but that container?[/black][/font]
[font "Fixedsys"][black]Scared the heck out of her when I walked up to her window with it and asked her if she lost something. She threw it in her back seat, I can only hope it makes it to the trash from there.[/black][/font]
I see the same thing all the time. I posted(as have others) on the Ut board about this and the only thing i can say is teach your children and others morals and respect. It has caused alot of my "sweet spots" to be posted off and nobody can get in there anymore including myself. I also know how much it means to a landowner to take a bag or 2 of garbage(from others) to his doorstep and show him how much you care about the privelage of fishing or hunting his land.
You pack it in, you pack it out. You drop it, you pick it up. You open it, you close it. You turn it on, you turn it off. Personal responsibility. It's not hard at all. Lazy slobs should get the opportunity to do community service and clean up miles of highway or water areas. They probably won't learn by doing that, but at least the area will be clean for a day or two.
AMEN bio!
That kind of stuff used to really get me Angry but any more I do not. Anger shortens your life. I just try to be the nice guy I pretend to be and pick up some of what I seen when it is some what convenient for me.

Try to pick up at least something when I am fishing.

I don't have the fortitude to force my opinions on others.

Fly Goddess - Good of you to speak your mind to that woman. But obviously if she just threw the stuff in her back seat she does not enough respect the stuff she owns. Guess the word is there for her to destroy as she sees fit.
Many years ago. I was on the way to the lake with a girl friend and he young 10 year old boy. He had been drinking a coke in the back seat when I hear the sound of a tin can hitting the pavement.

I slammed on the brakes and told him to get out and get the the can. He stared dumb founded at me for a moment. Then he said you gotta be kidding.

But he reluctantly got out and picked it up when his mother sternly just said "Get Out"

From my girl friend's description of her x husband I had the feeling besides being mean spirited bully cop, he was of the type of person you describe.
[Sad][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]How offen have you seen garbage like this along your favorite fishing site? People who are responsible for this probably do their business in bed and kick it out with their feet.[/size][/green][/font] [center][Image: Garbage.jpg][/center]
[cool] Slowly drifting down a Creek, I came to a wide spot, popular with bank fishermen.
It was littered pretty thorougly.
I pooled around for a bit, and soon a Family came to fish.
While the guy was busy setting up the lines, the Mother had all four kids picking up the litter, which they used in the CampFire.

The Terms of a 'Bank Fishing' license in Louisiana ought to require the packing out a WalMart bag full of litter when you leave the water.[mad]
[black][size 3]Apparently, it's way too hard. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Usually the first thing on my agenda when I get to a camping/shore fishing spot where I will be spending some time, is to do a preliminary trash pick up(I always bring trash bags with me). I do it right away so I don't have to look at the garbage and so my hounds don't get into(roll in or eat) anything that is really disgusting. Doing it first is also a good morale item - I don't have to spend any time festering on the fact that a lot of people are just slobs and should stay at home and make a mess of their own houses instead of every place they go.[/size][/black]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#0000bf]I drive the 5 between Oceanside and Mission Viejo five days a week... it never ceases to amaze me the amount of trash on the side of the freeway.. on the freeway.. or coming at or near me from some butthead using the freeway... and I am talking way more than the cigarette butts whiney ppl here in CA complain about...

I was raised to clean up after myself... that means dont trash the freeway while you are driving.. clean up after yourself where ever you are .. to me it is just common sense.. and courtesy..

My rhetorical question back on this is.. where have those basic courtesies and common sense approach.. and taking responsibility for what you do GONE????



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