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BUGGING FOR SUMMER BASS<br>by Bill Vanderford<br><br>Uniting a flyrod with a floating bass bug is a deadly combination for summer’s predator fish! When properly presented, bass and bream of all sizes will knock the paint off of these fake bugs.<br>Reasons for this fascination by bass and other hungry fish varies from the popping sound the lures make when jerked on the surface to their appearance as an easy meal. Most bass bugs are light and usually land on the water softly, which never seems to scare the fish. Also, any movement looks to the fish like an injured dragonfly, grasshopper, or other struggling insect.<br>To fish successfully with bass bugs, one only needs an inexpensive flyrod filled with weight-forward, floating fly line, a 7 to 9 foot leader of 4 to 10 pound line, and a small assortment of bass bugs in different sizes and colors. A 6 to 8 weight flyrod with a simple, single-action reel is perfect for this endeavor.<br>Probably the most important item is the bass bug, and even that can be kept quite simple. A good bug usually has a cork body mounted on an extra-long shank hook with a flat to slightly concave face and not too many feathers. The face allows the bug to be popped on the water for attraction, and by having a reasonable amount of tail feathers, the bug can be cast easier. Color is normally of little concern. However, brighter colors that can be seen more easily by both the fish and the fisherman seem to produce better.<br>Learning to work a bass bug on the surface of the water requires a period of trial and error. When one finds the the right combination of movement, the fish will let you know by their actions, but usually the method is no more than a simple jerk and stop retrieve.<br>These little poppers seem to work better when fished near logs, stumps, fallen trees, boat docks, rocky points, or any other visible structures. Since fish are sometimes spooked by a sloppy cast, the first cast to or near an object is important, so make a good initial presentation.<br>Despite the productivity and excitement of fishing bass bugs during the hot summer months, this type of fishing has its limitations. Calm water is normally required for success, and the best times are always around sunrise or sunset. Nevertheless, when this method works, no other system of fishing has the visual impact of a big bass or bream exploding the calm surface as they inhale a bass bug!<br>Bill Vanderford has won numerous awards for his writing and photography, and has been inducted into the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame as a Legendary Guide. He can be reached at 770-962-1241 or at his web site:<br><br><br>Living to Fish and Fishing to Live<br>Bill Vanderford<br><br>770-962-1241
Bill,<br>Well, you're dead right about the effectiveness of popper & flyrod...when I was about nine years old I used to catch pickerel (and the occasional largemouth) on a cork popping bug and about fifteen feet of that old, black dacron line attached to a long, slim hickory branch. I'd seen photos of fly fishermen in the outdoor mags and fisgured I could the same sort of fishing with my homemade rig...darned if it didn't work. I did a half-a**ed sort of roll cast dropping the popper over weed beds...let it sit for a good two minutes and gave it a twitch...I had some hellacious hits from big pickerel and the 8 or 9 foot hickory branch I'd skinned & whittled down some was so flexible it absorbed most of the shock.& acted like the stretch that mono gives you...I caught a lot of fish back when i was too green to know what i was doing....then i got older, leaned a whole bunch of stuff about what gear went with what and ended up catching fewer fish...but, I suppose, looking "cool" in the process. Ah youth...definitely wasted on the young.<br>tight lines & welcome to the board,<br><br>Jerry Vovcsko<br>Moderator: Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island Forums

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