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The Worst DAY!
Here it is .....9/11 a little recap of that morning:
I recieved a phone call from my mother telling me to turn on the TV. I said what channel? She aid I am sure it won't matter. So I did and my jaw dropped. I thought "Is this for real?"
It was horrible. Watcing the news, you say footage that you will never see again. People actually leaping from the windows.
I kept thinking, what the HECK is going on, can this really be happening. I was numb the whole week, or should I say for several months.
Watching the movie recap last night and tonight, makes me Angry that it might have been somewhat expected. I know the show is speculations and of course the ol' "shoulda, woulda, coulda." But, the news saying we had our chance to kill Bin and we didn't.
It has made us all much HUMBLER (if that is the word) and I appriciate every day and every thing in a whole new way.

THE only up side of that day was the birth of the twins(niece/nephew)
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Yes it was a horrible day for just about everyone. As a former New Yorker I am sure someone I knew died as a result of that attack. Fortunately my cousin had just retired as a Battalion Chief of the NY Fire Dept located in far Rockaway. Otherwise he would have been there. His former crew all rushed to the scene. He knew several fire fighters who lost their life in the Twin Tower tragedy. [/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I would guess that our many of our leaders knew that such an attack was eminent however, this is a big country with millions of places to stage an attack of some sort. Where do you start? Too many people have short memories and do not want to be inconvenience in any manner that might interfere with their daily activities. I guess that I should stop here otherwise I might get some folks too upset to go fishing? LOL[/size][/green][/font]
I too remember waking up to all the channels showing the unraveling of the events on 9/11/01. I must admit, i am not a person who is big on giving a sh** sometimes, but watching that was extremely difficult. I hope it never happens again.

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