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Traditional Chinese Steamed Fish! - Printable Version

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Traditional Chinese Steamed Fish! - ScubaChris - 03-26-2019

Use This Recipe To "WOW" Your Friends!

In Hawaii Pacific Threadfin, known locally as Moi is a much sought after shoreline species. This was the fish of Royalty in Hawaii. In ancient times Moi was only reserved for royalty, no "commoner" could eat this tasty fish. It was Kapu "forbidden" to do so. Today it is still a much sought after shoreline saltwater species.

So when i get a Moi i considered it a crime to simply fan fry it. So i texted my buddy Chef Charlie who took on the challenge on making all of us dinner with this as the premiere course. I've done this in the past myself but Charlie knew the process in detail & the reasons why. So he agreed to steam the Moi in traditional Chinese style. The flavors were locked-in at the end & it was the first dish that disappeared. My thanks goes out to Charlie!

Re: [ScubaChris] Traditional Chinese Steamed Fish! - wiperhunter2 - 03-27-2019

Looks very tasty Chris, are all the greens eaten or just the fish?

Re: [wiperhunter2] Traditional Chinese Steamed Fish! - ScubaChris - 03-27-2019

Everything. Greens get much smaller after cooking. But that flavor!

Re: [ScubaChris] Traditional Chinese Steamed Fish! - wiperhunter2 - 03-27-2019

I bet that taste good and good for you.[cool]