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Kona Hawaii Fishing Report - November wrap-up. - Printable Version

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Kona Hawaii Fishing Report - November wrap-up. - Capt_Jeff_Rogers - 11-29-2021

Kona Hawaii Fishing Report - November wrap-up.

If you've been following my reports for the past several months you know that both the marlin and ahi seasons have been all out of whack this year. We didn't have a good marlin bite in peak season but then we had a good marlin bite in September, when the season was winding down. The bite in October wasn't so good so I figured that that marked the end of the season run but "out of whack" now seems to be the new normal. Right now, after peak marlin season has ended, there are marlin "hot spots" where IF you find one, you can catch several marlin in a day. In fact, it's the best multi-catch run we've had all year, IF you find the spot. Then IF you find it, you notice all the boats that didn't find it that day. No fish. It's not the first time this type of bite has happened in Kona and I'm sure it won't be the last.

The spearfish have started to show up even though it's not quite season for them yet. I've always done well catching those so I'm looking forward to a good spearfish run.

The ahi bite has been whacky too. They weren't around when they were supposed to be and most of the ahi right now are being caught off of a couple private FAD's and along the ledges but not many. VV buoy has been loaded with baby ahi and aku. Some days they're easy to catch and some days not.

November is the peak of the fall mahi mahi season but few have been around so far. I hope they're just running late. There aren't any ono around but they have an excuse. It's not season for them.

Bottom fishing was mostly sharks this month with a mix of both oceanic blacktip and sandbar sharks. Giant trevally season has started but I only got one this month. The sharks might be keeping them out of their favorite area. I also got kampachi and snapper this month.

See 'ya on the water ,
Capt. Jeff Rogers ,

[Image: NOV21.JPG]