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BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - Printable Version

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BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - FlyFishingMoose - 05-25-2004

In a new policy change here at my work it looks as if access to the internet will be a thing of the past. So shortly I expect to loose internet capability. Which really sucks, because I don't really use the confuzer at home for anything. So if you see a sudden end to my posting or responses in the coming days or weeks, It will not be becasue of lack of interest but a change in company policy. This appears it will only effect hourly employees not salaried employees. Talk about job discrimination, you got it....

Re: [FlyFishingMoose] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - Coldfooter - 05-25-2004

Well that bytes! Guess you'll just have to screeeem out from the roof tops!

Re: [Coldfooter] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - FlyFishingMoose - 05-25-2004

I'm ok until an official change in internet policy, but some do-gooder thinks we donm't need it but then he is prpbably the one spending his days looking at his stock portfolio, instead of doing his job.

Re: [FlyFishingMoose] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - guppyslayer - 05-25-2004

well that sure stinks FFM. I worked at a company once that did something similar.

The cause??... some moron kept downloading from/visiting porn sites. They knew who it was too. some companies sure are strange with 'new policies'. Why don't they discipline the offender?? instead of everyone in the company..go figure

It's always 1 or 2 ppl screwing things up for everyone else! [mad]

Re: [FlyFishingMoose] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - fish1on - 05-25-2004

[size 3]I have never been able to "legally" access this site from work! "for official use only" [/size]

Re: [guppyslayer] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - fishinA - 05-26-2004

I really dont understand why you should do anything at work besides work. It comes down to productivity. Billions if not trillions are lost to people messing around on there computers playing solataire or surfing the net. My mother works at HAFB. I went to here work once and seen a person playing solataire. I thought this is what my tax dollars are going to. There are hammer swingers out there that dont get to sit down and read when they want.

Re: [fishinA] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - FlyFishingMoose - 05-26-2004

As far as wasting time on the computer at work it goes like this. I run lots of tests on the product we sell and have a number opf stations running, but when all are in long term tests I can either sit on my a#@ and do nothing or check out BFT, I choose to check out BFT and learn about fishing and places to fish.

I actually spend very little time on the computer during the day.

Re: [FlyFishingMoose] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - fishinA - 05-26-2004

That must be the diffrence between employers and employees. There is allways somthing to work on. But dont take it personal. I run a buisness for my father and productivity just happens to be a pet peave of mine.[Wink]

Re: [fishinA] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - FlyFishingMoose - 05-26-2004

I understand, I irks me too when I know there are things to do and guys play on the computer, I can't get things done, and I can't do them myself it takes 3 shifts working together to keep on schedule.

Re: [FlyFishingMoose] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - PBH - 05-26-2004

I hope this doesn't go under the "personal attacks" section!

Moose -- I am an IT Specialist that has to deal with internet users everyday at my company. Not only is wasted time factored in to shutting down the internet to users. I spend half my time at work cleaning off adware / spyware from all the computers in the plant. This is a major problem with many computers in our company. We have some computers that monitor machinery throughout the plant, and if one of those computers, for whatever reason, cannot see the machinery anymore we could have a major explosion (we're talking big bombs here!). Those computers have had internet access turned off for over a year now...and users hate us for it. With the recent explosion in internet Adware many more companies will be shutting off internet access. It's not because some Joe in the next department was downloading porn. It's because YOU went to a perfectly legitimate site, and ended up with some active-X program downloading and installing in the background without you knowing, or clicking "yes". They just happen. Next thing you know, your computer is so full of pop-up ads, and toolbars that you can't get any work done. Now, I have to show up and fix it, instead of doing other more important things on the network. Disabling your access to the internet may actually imporve the performance of you computer. I can't tell you how many times I have had users complain about their P4 2.8 Ghz computer being too slow. Then, I open up an internet browser, and they have 14 toolbars installed, and 400 popup windows show up....It's not always their fault this happened, but it is very preventable.

It is a said thing, because the internet can be so very useful. But, there is also a lot of crap out there. If the internet is not needed for you job function, I personally would like to see it shut off your computer. Until somthing can be done about adware / spyware / and viruses, the only thing a user that doesn't need the internet can do, is screw up the computer.

Re: [PBH] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - FlyFishingMoose - 05-26-2004

No problem I don't take it as a personal attack and I understand. I work with the IT guys. Fortunately we've got enough firewall & antivirus s/w to protect against most intrusions. And yes using the internet is part of my job once in a while. Visiting customer websites, researching parts and venders are all things I do. I just keep an ear tuned to BFT for a quick look see anc comment as I see fit. I wish there wasn't so much offensive crap out there, but there is. You can't just stop using the internet. Its like putting your head in the nsand and hoping it will go away. It just doesn't happen, just try to keep yourself protected as much as possible.


Re: [FlyFishingMoose] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - polokid - 05-26-2004

My work comes out monthly and discusses personal internet use. And says stuff all the time about disabling the internet except for work related areas we need to go to. They have been saying this going on 3 years now. PBH, i completely know about the spyware thing, that stuff sucks. I finally told the IT department here at my work to install the spyware removal program to my computer. It got rediculous. It works pretty well.

The companies I have worked for all threatened closure to personal internet use. I would just suggest to watch personal use!!!

Re: [FlyFishingMoose] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - PBH - 05-26-2004

Firewalls and antivirus software do wonders for protection. But, the adware garbage is a problem that most firewalls, and antivirus programs have not yet learned to deal with. Most of the antivirus companies are offering some protection from these programs, and some do a pretty good job, but there aren't any out there that stop them dead, dang....just had a stinking phone call from a user that is having pop-up problems....dejavu? Anyway, one thing we have done in our environment is allowing access to the few sites that our operators absolutely need (for instance antivirus updates, customer websites, vendors, etc), but in all reality, most of our operators don't do the research, and don't need the internet. You are in a different situation. There are some technologies that will be released in the near future that will have significant improvements in security for windows based computers. Windows XP Service Pack 2 will be released in a couple months, and this alone will help tremendously.

In the end, it all comes down to protection and security (I am the one responsible for the security of our servers and workstations). I think of it no differently than an STD (sexually transmitted disease). Protection may help, and it may help tremendously. But, there is really only one way to keep viruses, intrustions, ads, etc. out of your network, and that's by abstinence...eliminate the net, and you eliminate the problems. So, who do you eliminate the net from? Those who's jobs don't require it.

For a perfect example of, we can look at the latest virus that went the rounds, Sasser. Unlike many recent worms, this virus does not spread via email. No user intervention is required to become infected or propagate the virus further. The worm works by instructing vulnerable systems to download and execute the viral code. This is the whole problem with many internet intrusions as of late. You don't have to do anything wrong in order for your computer to become infected. In an environement where I am responsible for well over 500 computers, it can be quite difficult to maintain, and update all workstations when new intrusive programs arise. One way to combat them, is to deny access to those computers that don't need the internet...problem solved for current viruses, and future viruses alike.

If you really are concerned about losing access to BFT, talk to your IS department and see if they will allow that might be worth a try, but I can probably tell you their answer....

Re: [PBH] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - cat_man - 05-26-2004

This is a good topic. I too, use the internet quite a bit at work as part of software testing here at Novell. It's required as part of my job. I have a rack of 9 computers that I use and am in charge of their security(antivirus/spyware etc.). The policy here is that we are allowed to use the internet for incidental personal use, but it must be limited and not interfere with our jobs. I keep antivirus, windows updates, and spyware removal programs current on all my machines. When others in the lab are infected with viruses, I usually do not get infected. Most viruses target vulnerabilities in Windows that already have patches available for them, but have not been patched for one reason or another. If you keep on top of your updates, you shouldn't have too many problems.

Re: [cat_man] BFT access may be a thing of the past from Work - poorfisherman - 05-26-2004

I have cable at home and am on it a lot and leave it running but since I put the google toolbar to stop pop ups, and the free zone alarm firewall I haven't even had any problems anymore.

Its amazing that that stupid google tool bar stopped more pop ups than a $30 program to stop pop ups, I was impressed.

If something does get through then I just run that spybot program and it kills it.