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Dutch oven Fish (camping recipe) - Printable Version

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Dutch oven Fish (camping recipe) - tubeN2 - 09-21-2004

[ul][li]1/2 LB fish fillet per person [li]Salt [li]Lemon pepper [li]Italian seasoning [Spice from a jar, not a packaged salad dressing.] [li]Lemon juice [li]Onions: 2 med. for 6; 2 large for 8. Peeled and diced [li]3 oz pkg. cream cheese [for 5; increase proportionately for more] [li]Parmesan cheese [li][optional] 2 cups mushrooms, chopped finely [li]2 - 3 T cooking oil [li]1 4lb bag instant charcoal briquettes



Fire up the briquettes.

Sauté the onions [and mushrooms?] until limp

Poke numerous holes in the non-skin side of each fillet with a fork. [Helps the spices absorb.]

Now "rub in" each fillet with salt, then lemon pepper, then Italian seasoning. Then spread cream cheese equally across all filets.

Oil the Dutch oven.

Now place three or four filets in the bottom, skin down, with no overlaps. Then dash each liberally with lemon juice [but not so much the spices drain off!] Spread onions [and mushrooms]. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over.

Now take the remaining filets and layer on top, repeating the same applications. You might need a third layer. Top off with Parmesan.

Place Dutch oven over 5 or 6 hot briquettes; load about 25 on top.

Bake for maybe 30 minutes, but check in 20. Done when fish is done. Don't over-bake; you want your fillets juicy not dry.