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Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - Printable Version

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Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - cat_man - 05-07-2005

Got out there at about 9:30. When I left Payson the air temp. was 43 degrees and the rain had stopped by then. I had to get out to try out my new Fish Cat 4 on Utah Lake. I learned a few things about my rod holders and some adjustments I need to make. My single rod holder was sitting too low in the water and dunked the butt of the pole almost to where the reel was. My double rod holder rocked back and forth a bit when I kicked, which sometimes made it shift and almost fall over. Need to find a way to secure it a bit better.

I started out launching from the boat ramp and kicking my way out to the main lake, casting a pair of small jigs (a 1/16 oz. tube jig and a TubeDude special baitbug) to try and get a crappie or two. No takers. Saw flyingfish on the way out, and when I got back in I got to talk to him for a minute. Nice meeting you Matt. There was a half dozen or so cars at the end of the south dike most had casted out bait for cats and/or walleye. Noone had caught anything all morning as far as I could tell. Talked to one guy who I had accidentally snagged way out in the lake (didn't know he could cast that far, but he had a mother sized shrimp on his hook) who said noone had caught anything. Out in the main lake I switched poles and casted a pair of curly tail jigs, one dark blue/purple and one yellow, trying to catch an eye or wandering cat. I dragged them slow along the bottom, tapping the rocks the whole way. Nothing for about a dozen casts or so, then I started catching rock snagfish every cast, so I put a bobber on to keep the jigs just off the bottom. Tried trolling them around, casting, etc. with no luck. After an hour or so I paddled back in up to the boat ramp, walked around and talked to Flyingfish who had hooked a crappie from the the docks. That's the only fish I saw caught all morning. Wish I coulda got one for my lunch!

Anyway, overall the fishing was excellent but the catching was non-existent this morning. I achieved my goal of getting the FC4 out though, tested the new equipment and rod holders. It sprinked for a little while, but was actually a fairly decent day. Here are a couple pics of my setup from the trip.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9647;]
(Kevin's Fish Cat 4)
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9648;]
(Lincoln Boat Ramp)

Oh yeah this last one is of my son Jacob. It seems he approves of the new $5 PFD I got from Kmart to put in my tube's back wet storage area while tubing.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9649;]

Re: [cat_man] Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - ocean - 05-07-2005

Ok that makes me feel better now that i didnt go this morning.It rained in nephi all morning.I will probably hit lincoln this afternoon after softball practice.Maybe it will pick up a little.Did you try by the first springs?I usually nail the big cats there.

Re: [ocean] Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - cat_man - 05-07-2005

Ocean, this was my first time to Lincoln Beach, my first time on my new Fish Cat, and I was just out on more of a test run, with a little fishing on the side. I don't even know how to find the first or second or third springs for that matter. I assume they are farther North along the road?

Re: [cat_man] Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - TubeDude - 05-07-2005

[cool][#0000ff]Okay, you got the new toy wet and checked out the equipment. Now you gotta get serious about fishin'. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Today would have been a bust for a forecast. However, next Saturday looks like it might shape up to be a goodun. Do we wanna try again? Only this time we will order both good weather and fish.[/#0000ff]

Re: [cat_man] Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - clebreto - 05-07-2005

I belive I saw you as you were getting ready to launch, my daughter had a emergency she need to take care of. After that we ended up going to the first springs.

We got there around 6:30 boy was it cold. I got the kids all setup and cast out using shrimp. I finally got setup around seven, it takes a while to tie them knots when your hands are cold. I was using two hooks shrimp and worm no weight. About 5 min later I had to grab my pole as it started making a B line for the water. Set the hook and it was on, I got it within about three feet from shore, but it was about ten feet down the bank. Right in front of another guy, he was like your going to need a net for that one. He got up to get his net, the fish was on for only a few seconds longer then my line went slack. At first I thought my line snapped, but it turns out my knot came undone. The guy said it was a big channel but I didn't see it. It took the shrimp just in case you want to know.

Well my son hooked into a fat mud cat about an hour later, just as we were pulling it out of the water it spit the hook out. After that we had no other action.

So we ran to take care of the emergency then headed up to the first spring "I think". We fished hear until about one. I hooked into a carp, with my light action trout setup. It was short lived my line ended up breaking when it decided to make a run for it. I think I could have landed it but I forgot to set my drag, it was turned all the way up since I normally don't have to worry about it. It was fun while it lasted, especially on the light of tackle. I was kinda upset about it, I was thinking al right bait!!! Then my line snaps, Oh well.

It started out cold but it was a great day fishing, we didn't catch anything but the kids had a blast.

Re: [cat_man] Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - svpdgcar - 05-08-2005

[Smile] [#505000]Don't feel bad about the skunkedness. Me and Rvanman2000 fished there yesterday from 6pm until midnight and the fish stopped biting about 10pm the night before you went out. Rvanman2000 caught 3 mud cats, my bro in law caught a channel and a mud cat and I got skunked. [pirate][/#505000]

Re: [clebreto] Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - cat_man - 05-09-2005

Was that you with the car jammed full of kids that drove off south of the boat launch?

Re: [cat_man] Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - FlyingFish - 05-09-2005

Hey CatMan,
It was nice to meet you too! I ended up catching three crappie before I went home (had to get enough for a meal you know) It was my first time to Lincoln Beach and I finally got this years U Lake skunk off my back. I think Ill be back out to the lake next weekend (havent decided on which location)

Re: [FlyingFish] Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - cat_man - 05-09-2005

Good deal, Glad you got a couple more. I didn't bring any 'sweetener' for my jigs this time (no worms or carp meat), a problem which will be remedied next time. Hopefully that will get me more strikes. I haven't caught a crappie since I was like 17 years old, down off the Airport dikes. Since this was more a test run of my tube than anything else, I didn't bring a lot of extra stuff.

Re: [cat_man] Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - FlyingFish - 05-09-2005

I caught two of them with a piece of worm on the jig and the other without. That guy that came over just as you were leaving did better than me. He bummed a worm or two off me but did just as well without them. I changed from my red/white jig to a black/yellow one as the sun came out and scored the other two.
Ill be back next saturday or we may go to the bubble-up, havent decided yet.

Re: [cat_man] Lincoln Beach Report 5/7/05 - mrs.ocean - 05-09-2005

Hey, it's always a good idea for your children to try out the PFD's. That's too bad you got robbed of your moments. It seems in my (limited) experience that they hook on when you least expect it, then, at least for me, you aren't prepared. I hesitate too much. You know the saying: He who hesitates is lost!!!! Better luck next time!!! I will have to try shrimp next time, that's VERY interesting.