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Slipping Line - Dubie - 07-01-2005

Maybe someone here can help me? I bought some 14lbs. Spyder Wire for the first time, spooled it onto my reel, and loved it...for a day or two. Quite suddenly, it started slipping on the reel so bad it no longer holds a slightly heavy lure up. Before I go unwinding it all and re-spooling, anyone know of any tricks to keep this stuff from slipping?

Re: [Dubie] Slipping Line - Dubie - 07-03-2005

Sorry guys, I'm a complete idiot...I meant to type Fireline...not sure why I screwed that up..

Anyhow, I went with the failsafe fix all, Gun tape. Sorry for the bother

Re: [Dubie] Slipping Line - Gcast167 - 07-08-2005

With any non-mono line you need to use either a piece of tape or mono line as a backing, then tie a knot (I forget what its called) to the mono backing. Theres a certain kind of knot but i forget what its called.

Re: [Dubie] Slipping Line - Fishslayer - 07-15-2005

Go to Walmart pharmacy & get some Flex Tape. Kinda a scrunchy rubbery sorta stuff for bandaging.

A layer of that on the spool hub & yer good ta go!.


Re: [Fishslayer] Slipping Line - Gcast167 - 07-17-2005

Fireline is one of the more expensive types of lines out there, its always a good idea with any of those lines to fill up some of the spool with mono and then put the good line on, that way your sure to have enough line.

Re: [Gcast167] Slipping Line - Dryrod - 07-19-2005

[center][cool][/center][center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]How about a nail knot which one would use to tie the backing to a fly line.[/size][/green][/font][/center]

Re: [Dubie] Slipping Line - aquaman - 07-23-2005

i've found that if tying a braided line directly to a spool it helps to wrap the line five times or so around the spool then tie your knot this will stop your line from slipping

piece of tape is a great idea!!!!

Re: [Dubie] Slipping Line - davetclown - 07-25-2005

this happened to me once, I found that I had tied the slip knot on backwards. I am sure you checked for this.

I have to double check mine to make sure I did it right before continuing to spin on the line. you will see right away. I still oops it from time to time, even when I thought I got it on right the first time and end up having to cut it and retie...

on rare ocations if you cut the tail of your knot to short it can slip untied after some presher is aplyed. so I test my knots for that now as well, cutting the tail to short is my biggest oops as of lately but with my double check it shows up quick now and I am good for the season....

if you find an open feild or lake or river you can let the line out and retie with out giving up your line.

if you are using a bait caster be sure it is your line slipping on the barrol and not the barrol spinning because you bumped your drag setting some how and is loosened to the point it just slips off....

I dont know if any of these are what you are experiencing but these are common accurances among even pro anglers.