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Carp on flies - TubeDude - 10-05-2006

[cool][#0000ff]We have had some chatter on the Float Tubing board about catching carp on flies. One of the guys over there put up a link to this [url ""][#333366][size 1]video[/size][/#333366][/url][/#0000ff][#000000][size 1] .[/size][/#000000]
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Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - Theekillerbee - 10-05-2006

Silly Pat. My fly consists of a 700 grain "hook" with 100lb test line! Not sure if it is sinking or floating. My presentation seems to work whether they are in a feeding mood or not! No mamsy pamsy 5 wt rod either![Tongue]

Re: [Theekillerbee] Carp on flies - TubeDude - 10-05-2006

[cool][#0000ff]While I grudgingly admit to having battled carp on a fairy wand, I generally prefer a "more direct" approach myself.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My standard carp "flies" have 3 "wings", on a long straight "shank". The wings used to be real feathers, but have graduated to plastic in recent years. And, my "rod" has a definite "bow" it it. I sometimes "cast" these flies with a very heavy 150# "tippet", but in shallow water I may even cast them without a leader at all.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Of course this kind of fishing is usually sight fishing, and I generally practice C&R (croak and release).[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - BassAckward - 10-05-2006

Hey Pat thanks for the great music video. Was a rockin video I think it should get the MTV music award for sure! [Wink]

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - TubeDud - 10-05-2006

Fairy wand?? what, you probably were in a pontoon boat too.

Fishing for carp with impregnated bait is about as hard as fishing for bluegill with bread.

BTW a 5 wt might be too small, that's why I don't hit the water with any less than 5 rods tethered to my tube (it's a sweet Caddis donut style tube). I carry from 4wt to 8wt.

Re: [TubeDud] Carp on flies - TubeDude - 10-05-2006

[cool][#0000ff]Are you trying to make a statement?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If so, what is it?[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - TubeDud - 10-05-2006

You are a pansy if you fish for carp with anything other than a fly rod.[Wink]

Pretty much just that.

Re: [TubeDud] Carp on flies - TubeDude - 10-05-2006

[cool][#0000ff]I guess I must be a pansy. Thanks for enlightening me.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - TubeDud - 10-05-2006

No problem.

Just curious as to why you would make fun of fly fishing, and then post a fly fishing video?


Re: [TubeDud] Carp on flies - TubeDude - 10-05-2006

[cool][#0000ff]Unlike some people, I don't take myself too seriously. I ARE a fly fisherman. I have tied flies for over 50 years, I have built many many fly rods and taught both fly fishing and fly tying courses. I have also caught almost every species of fish in the US, most of them on flies. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I was poking fun at fly fishermen who take themselves too seriously. Among the multi tackle and multi-species anglers of the world, elitist fly fishermen snobs (Orvis dorks) are a common item of discussion and derision. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you truly believe that non-fly-flingers are pansies, you belong on UTOF and not on this board. Many of us here enjoy fly fishing but not to the exclusion of other methods.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I posted the video for all to enjoy...if they wished...not to make any kind of statement.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - TubeDud - 10-05-2006

Fair enough. Whatever floats your boat... i mean Tube. What flies do you like to tie/fish? i'm fairly new at tying, I've only been at it for about 6 years, and i'm just getting the hang of it. Any pointers you could give? I'd like to see some pics of flies you have done.

Re: [TubeDud] Carp on flies - TubeDude - 10-05-2006

[cool][#0000ff]I still tie some standards, like renegades, coachman, caddis, etc., but I seldom use anything not of my own creation. I throw flies mostly for big trout or for warm water walleyes, wipers, white bass, smallmouth, perch, carp, etc.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]I do not have a full portfolio of all my creations but here are a few pics from my fly files...alphabetically.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - leaky - 10-06-2006

Huuuuum, don't know what happened to my post, I'll try again. Anyway, You've brought up a topic that has frustrated me for some time. [unsure] I would like to be able to fish for carp as an alternative much more but can't seem to find a reasonably productive fly or lure. They are pretty good fighters and against all popular opinion are good eating!!! If anyone hase a go to lure/fly for those guys, I could help with thinning the population. They are much tougher to fool than popular opinion has it, at least for me. I'm starting at being able to site fish em since that would be the easiest.

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - road - 10-06-2006

You Crack me up TD. Thanks for the chuckle. We gonna have to talk about a couple of those patterns.

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - EvilAsh - 10-06-2006

[cool][#0000ff]Unlike some people, I don't take myself too seriously. [/#0000ff][#0000ff]elitist fly fishermen snobs (Orvis dorks) are a common item of discussion and derision. [/#0000ff][#ff0000]I beg your pardon?[/#ff0000]
[#0000ff]If you truly believe that non-fly-flingers are pansies, you belong on UTOF and not on this board. [/#0000ff] [#ff0000]Not true. It's just a personal preference. There are jabs taken over there just like ones taken over here.[Smile][Smile][/#ff0000] [/reply]

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - flygoddess - 10-06-2006

[#ff0000][size 1](Orvis dorks)[/size][/#ff0000]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]Got to say I am not! Stereo Typing aside, the name of the game is fishing and like cookies, there is so many choices, but you got to go with what tastes the best.[/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]I have gone to UTOF on occassion and it is a FLY FISHING forum, but they have some very inlightened people on there also.[/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]I can relate to the spin anglers cause I have been there and done that, I PREFER to fly, but Ain't that America.[/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"]Name calling aside, Can We All Just Get Along[cool][/font]

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - Flycasting - 10-06-2006

I'm lovin the ice flies... you'll need to give me a tying demo. [Smile]

Re: [EvilAsh] Carp on flies - Lobina_Mosca - 10-06-2006

[cool][#0000ff]Unlike some people, I don't take myself too seriously. [/#0000ff][#0000ff]elitist fly fishermen snobs (Orvis dorks) are a common item of discussion and derision. [/#0000ff][#ff0000]I beg your pardon?[/#ff0000]
[#0000ff]If you truly believe that non-fly-flingers are pansies, you belong on UTOF and not on this board. [/#0000ff][#ff0000]Not true. It's just a personal preference. There are jabs taken over there just like ones taken over here.[Smile][Smile][/#ff0000] [/reply]

Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - IceFishingGod - 10-06-2006

O.K., I'm a pansy too. Except I don't fish for carp, but don't use a fly rod. Am I still a pansy? What if I take a fly rod, cut it down to about 16" and put a spinning reel on it, does that make me a non-pansy? If I put a fly reel on aforementioned rod but use a jig am I still a pansy? If I put a baitcasting reel on aforementioned rod, but use a fly, am I still a pansy?


Homo...... I'm comfortable with, but I won't be called a pansy!


Re: [TubeDude] Carp on flies - ScottyP - 10-06-2006

What is wrong with Orvis? They make good reels. All this Orvis bashing is gonna make me run to my room, curl up in my Orvis sheets and wipe my tears with my Orvis hanky.

What is the Cabelas alternative to Orvis dork? Cabelas bass-tard?