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Jet Divers ??? - Printable Version

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Jet Divers ??? - Old_Coot - 10-25-2006

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Anyone ever use a Lure Jensen's Jet Diver?

[url ""][/url]

What do you think of them?

Or better yet, which of these divers do you prefer over others and why:

[url ""][/url]

Are there any you would recomend against?

I am not yet ready to do the down rigger thing so I hope to learn more about the above divers.

Thanks for any info you can give me.[/#002850][/font][/size]

Re: [Old_Coot] Jet Divers ??? - fish1on - 10-25-2006


I have messed around with many different gadgets (lure leader, dipsy divers, lead, bottom bouncers, etc, etc) to get my lines and lures deeper. They all offer too much drag and take away from the fish battle in my opinion. But I am sure they have thier purpose and usefulness for others.

I decided that lead line or downriggers is best for trolling for me.

Just my 1-1/2 cents worth.....

Re: [Old_Coot] Jet Divers ??? - Lundman - 10-25-2006

Hi OC (Ralph) -- I too have when to the downrigger for deep stuff (over 40 ft.) and snap-on weights for trolling in less than 40 ft.

The jet drivers are a great tool and come in a ton of new colors. Up in Oregon this year I saw dozens of new colors (firetiger to zebra).

I also just ran acrossed a new one that looks pretty interesting and is worth at least checking out there web site:
[url ""][/url]

Other options are the dipsy diver to put your lure out to the side while trollling - my brother uses them at the Gorge a lot but they aren't very accurate at depth placement. They also have a bunch of new colors for the dipsy driver.

Good luck and let know how what option works best for you'all.

Re: [Old_Coot] Jet Divers ??? - jacksonlaker - 10-25-2006

If you look closely at the post where the anglers caught that elk, they have some jet-divers on their rods, so I would say they work for elk and maybe deer! I have not used jet divers but I have used Dipsy-Divers alot. They work great but there are 2 things you have to watch out for. First, they dont work all that well at slow trolling speeds ( .8 to 1.5 ) It is hard to gauge depth and distance from the boat going that slow. Second is when you make turns the diver on the inside will sink and sometimes get hung up if you are trolling near the bottom. If you are serious about trolling go on E-Bay and get some downriggers!!

Re: [Old_Coot] Jet Divers ??? - AFDan52 - 10-26-2006

Coot, I used to use the Pink lady Deep Diver a lot. This thing Dives nicely and returns to the surface with a good hit. i used it all of the time , until I started using Downriggers. Just my 2 cents.


Re: [Old_Coot] Jet Divers ??? - FishNCoach - 10-26-2006

[crazy]Perhaps some one can turn the light on for me, I am not sure what this contraption is, Perhaps Old_Coot in person you can coach me though this learning experence..The Coach

Re: [FishNCoach] Jet Divers ??? - Fishhound - 10-26-2006

[black][size 3]Hey FishNCoach,[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]That contraption is a "Diver". It is used to troll your line down where the fish are - one of the poor man's down riggers, so to speak. Think of them kind of like planer boards that go down instead of out to the side. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]The Jet Divers come in various configurations - each one dives to a specific depth holds your lure there untill a fish strikes, at which time, it releases. You can run them on a second pole or off the back of the boat so that you don't have to deal with them inline. Attaching them to a seperate rod and reel makes retrieval easier.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3] [/size][/black]

Re: [Fishhound] Jet Divers ??? - lunkerhunter2 - 10-26-2006

I use the 120' Deep Six all the time, and i must say it works very well. You just have to practice with depth and learn line to depth ratio.