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greetings oregon - fishboy2 - 04-10-2007

hey all over there in the oregon fishing scene. I am just swinging by to get to know the people i will soon be sharing the water with. im moving out to eugene from utah, cant wait to get out there either. im interested in seeing how orgon fishing compares to utah fishing. i am an avid flyfisherman, but i do enjoi to drown worms as well. i do most of my fishing out of a float tube, but im hoping to get out into some salt water fish. im excited tohopefully meet some of you,a nd to share some sweet fishing stories. and if anyone has property in eugene that they are looking to rent out in june or july please let me know. see you soon fishboy2

Re: [fishboy2] greetings oregon - anglerp - 04-12-2007

Welcome aboard ive been away from bft for awhile but im back now . We have something in common besides fishing lol i moved here from utah myself 4 years ago. You are going to love it it is gorgeous and all the fishing you can handle the most popular of course being Salmon and Steelhead , Ive developed a passion for sturgeon fishing i have more success from the bank fishing for sturgeon then salmon .. Of course ill do other fishing as well Bass trout excetra i also love fishing from the jetty at the coast for perch bass lings and cabazone and this year ive caught some nice greenling also. i live in portland there arent as many close fishing spots near eugene but hundreds within a few hours drive so many you wont even believe it . So when you get down here and have any questions ive become a book on oregon fishing and fishing locations in the past well wow i guess its been 5 years now so ask away and mabe my boyfriend and i could meet ya down at newport and show you some fun jetty fishing there is also of course crabbing and clamming. just let me know keep in touch and welcome aboard........Patti........Her is a pic of a sturgeon my boyfriend steve caught last week he is only 43 inches long i say only because they have to be at least 42 to keep and no larger then 60 inches but ive had as large as a 9 footer to the bank what a rush .......[Image: 443261169_88926a41df_m.jpg][Image: 443261165_8a77957aeb_m.jpg]

Re: [anglerp] greetings oregon - davetclown - 04-18-2007

I am impressed, nice catch, did you eat him or release him...?

I was wondering because I have yet to taise one, been almost 40 years since I last caught one, 49 inches and I had to throw him back because at the time thay had to be fifty inches or longer to keep. now they have to be between 42 and 50 to keep... Go Figure...LOL

I am going to try to get back to the st clair river to see Ifin I cant get me a nother one...

but untill I hear about some one eatin one and liking it I am thinking on thowing it back...

Re: [davetclown] greetings oregon - anglerp - 04-18-2007

They taste great excellent as a matter of fact The meat is so desired for eating here now that it cost $14.99 per pound to purchase at the fish market .It has recently become our favorite type of fish for eating, the flavor is milder then most fish and the texture is kind of like eating chicken breast, you wont be disapointed . Before i ever tried Sturgeon i had people tell me that it was greasy but it isnt not the slight bit my guess is they had to much skin on there fillets or something . Fillet them nice and lean . Oregonians call Sturgeon the best fishnchips around .... The easy recipe we use also is great and simple its is flour then egg then potato buds instant potatoes and season to your preferance then fry it up its great try it also on bass or panfish also mmmmm.. Definatly keep your sturgeon its yummy ..... Are you catching White sturgeon?
ive never had any other type .... He was the first keeper for 2007 and i wouldnt have kept him but wanted to eat him We like to bring them home a bit bigger he was only 43 inches. The limit her is 43"-60" one a day and a total of 5 a year . Let me know how you do and its good to chat with you Dave [Smile] Hug! Patti... Did you see kinzie catching her first sturgeon video? that was so much fun! My biggest Landed was 66" couldnt keep him . my biggest that i got a look at was around 8-10 feet and lost them close to the bank couldnt keep them anyway but wow ive had 3 of those and now caught probly somewhere around 150- 200 sturgeon of all sizes .

Re: [anglerp] greetings oregon - davetclown - 04-19-2007

we are aloud one per year, and we must get a tag for it prior to fishing for it,

we have about two months in wich to target them.

Re: [anglerp] greetings oregon - fishboy2 - 05-21-2007

I am having ad issues i had to guess the last word on each line because an ad was covering it up. I cant wait to move to oregon. i cant wait to sturgin fish. I lived in California by the sacramento and american rivers meet just outside of sacramento. we used to fish for them when i was a kid. I cant wait to fish off the shore, i have always wanted to surf fish. We will be sure to get together for a fishign trip. I am an avid floattuber, are there many good floatable waters in oregon. and what are some of the differences as far as the law goes that i would need to prepare for.

Re: [fishboy2] greetings oregon - anglerp - 05-22-2007

Welcome i am very interested in chatting with you and have alot of info as well i just got home from a trip from central oregon and have a report from my trip as well but i am so exausted i cant keep my eyes open so to be continued tomorrow [Wink] ttys patti. oh and are you still having the add issue ? Be sure and let me know when you are here and i will share all my and steves secrets lol . The shad are in now and they are a blast ill be going this week sometime for sure. When will you be here?

Re: [anglerp] greetings oregon - fishboy2 - 05-22-2007

I think the ad problem is fixed. I will be in Eugene middle of july. so i will be crawling at the skin to fish by august. and i cant wait to learn some new tricks and what not. what kind of deep sea fishing does oregon have?

Re: [fishboy2] greetings oregon - anglerp - 05-26-2007

Most popular sees to be halibut,tuna , salmon. .We also have rockbass, lings,cabazone,perch of course greenling and im sure there are more those are what i here about and or have been out for. Man you will be here just at the end of the shad run which just got started. Check this out .

Be careful it can be addicting lol the shad are just starting with around 50,000 passing throught there a day it will double and triple real soon and you will see spring chinook and steelhead as well. the camera refrehes every 30 seconds.