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Cass Lake may 4 - Printable Version

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Cass Lake may 4 - davetclown - 05-05-2007

[size 1]went back out today, another test run of my boat..

was lookin for eyes they were a no go so I caught 8 blue gills for my efforts.[cool] [/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]my buddy Lorance caught these bruits[/size] [center][size 1][url ""][Image: Lorance_1_.JPG][/url][/center]

this time my boat stayed dry [cool]

got a half mile out and the motor vaper locked... 45 minutes before it would restart.

after I got it started I let it idol for half hour before trying to run it again. whats funny is last time I took it out I had no problems with the motor. It seemed to run ok after that the rest of the day.

I ran a half tank of gas though it. gave my self and my dog a nasty case of carbon monoxide poisening. I was running at almost full throtle down wind for about 10 minutes (5 miles) , "big mistake, the wind was keeping the exaust right there in the boat"...[pirate] we got a nasty headaches....

I think I am going to add a shot of carb cleaner in to the next batch of gas. I also think this batch was mixed to heavy because it started smoking (blue)

no, I did not change the plug this year, I will pick new ones and a spares in the next couple weeks...

I ran it more today than it has been run in the last two years.... that is the hardest thing on them motors is the sitting... I figure it started to burn off the carbon and varnish accumilation.. "Mostly varnish" [/size]

Re: [davetclown] Cass Lake may 4 - davetclown - 05-06-2007

[center][url ""][Image: DSCN0371.JPG][/url][/center][center] [/center] [center]I forgot to add this photo,[/center] [center] [/center] [center]this shot showing hatchling on may 4th.[/center] [center] [/center] [center]Spring and sprung[/center]