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Reasons Why I fish - Printable Version

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Reasons Why I fish - davetclown - 08-26-2008

If you had to pick one reason why,

aditional comments welcome

Re: [davetclown] Reasons Why I fish - Jaackrabbit - 09-05-2008

Relaxation ? Is that another way of saying...... to get the hell out of the house and away from the wife and kids?

Re: [Jaackrabbit] Reasons Why I fish - davetclown - 09-09-2008


Re: [davetclown] Reasons Why I fish - lurtch - 03-17-2009

i fish therefore iam...

Re: [davetclown] Reasons Why I fish - Yooperman - 05-10-2009

[fishin] Gets rid of the stress of everyday life and from work. A chance to spend quality time with my little buddy too.

Re: [Jaackrabbit] Reasons Why I fish - michFishing79 - 03-12-2010

I agree very much

Re: [davetclown] Reasons Why I fish - walleyemike57 - 03-15-2010

It is the single thing i do best!