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Action Alert - Dryrod - 09-17-2009

» Action Alert | September 17, 2009

[font "Georgia"][#333333]Over one million acres of prime wildlife and salmon habitat in Bristol Bay, Alaska could be opened to new mining claims with the stroke of a pen. [/#333333][/font][url ""][b]Visit our online action center and tell Ken Salazar, Interior Secretary, to permanently protect federal lands in Bristol Bay from a modern day gold rush.[/b][/url]
Why We Care [font "Georgia"][#333333]
[url ""][Image: action_image_bbsalazar.jpg] [/url]Closed to mining for over 30 years, these public lands anchor Bristol Bay’s salmon-supporting habitat with miles of untamed rivers and wild country. A recommendation from the Bureau of Land Management to lift this mineral closure and open the door for a modern-day gold rush was issued in the last days of the Bush Administration. The cumulative impacts from increased development in the area would transform the landscape and overtime could devastate the area’s $360 million salmon fishery and the traditional way of life for Alaska Native communities.
[ul][li][font "Georgia"][#333333]A pristine region woven with rivers and punctuated by mountain peaks, the Bristol Bay headwaters, encompassing over 1 million acres, are the lifeblood of America’s largest remaining wild salmon populations.

[/#333333][/font] [/li][li][font "Georgia"][#333333]The new leadership at the Bureau of Land Management is currently deciding whether or not it will revise and improve the Bush administration's Bay Resource Management Plan which dictates how 1 million acres of federal lands in the Bristol Bay watershed will be managed.

[/#333333][/font] [/li][li][font "Georgia"][#333333]The current plan opens 99% of these lands to hard rock mining development - opening the door for an industrial mining district on the federal public lands just south of the proposed Pebble Mine.

[/#333333][/font] [/li][li][font "Georgia"][#333333]Trout Unlimited, sport, commercial, and subsistence fisherman, and countless other community partners in the Bristol Bay region need your help to protect this irreplaceable resource. [/#333333][/font][/li][/ul]
[url ""]Take action online today[/url][font "Georgia"][#333333]– Join hundreds of hunting and fishing groups representing millions of America’s conservationists and anglers, outfitters, guides, and lodge owners and ask Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Bob Abbey to protect 1 million acres of federal fish and wildlife habitat in Bristol Bay, Alaska. [/#333333][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#333333][font "Georgia"][#333333]Please feel free to contact us with any questions or for more information. [/#333333][/font][/#333333][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#333333][font "Georgia"][#333333]Chris Wood
[/#333333][/font]Chief Operating Officer

Re: [Dryrod] Action Alert - gdn443 - 10-22-2009

I sent my 2cents in, I hope it does some good. Greed has to stop. We see enough good fishing areas going to pot.