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13 inch Crappie on a Fly Rod - Printable Version

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13 inch Crappie on a Fly Rod - 20inchbass - 05-16-2010

I caught this 13" crappie on my fly rod in a small pond. Just wanted to share my first crappie on fly. What are some good flies for crappie?

Re: [20inchbass] 13 inch Crappie on a Fly Rod - 20inchbass - 05-16-2010

forgot to upload the pic...

Re: [20inchbass] 13 inch Crappie on a Fly Rod - idahopanfish - 05-16-2010

Nice fish. What wieght rod & fly were you using? Do you tie your own flies? This "Crappie Candy" (google it) could be done in all kinds of color variations.

Re: [idahopanfish] 13 inch Crappie on a Fly Rod - 20inchbass - 05-16-2010

I'm pretty sure it is an 8 wt. I just got into fly fishing. I found a nice fly rod at a yard sale one day and bought a Reddington Red Fly 2 off of ebay to start. Didn't know if I would like fly fishing or not. So I got started and I can say I'm getting hooked. I've caught several bass and that crappie now. I do tie my own flies but I just started that a year ago so I've not really tied any that I liked so far. Thanks for the tip, I'll go check out the crappie candy now.

Re: [20inchbass] 13 inch Crappie on a Fly Rod - albinotrout - 05-18-2010

Nice crappie. What fly were you using?

Re: [20inchbass] 13 inch Crappie on a Fly Rod - bytebull - 05-20-2010

I've never done it but I have about 50 bucks next week that I can blow so I am thinking about getting a beginner fly rod and reel and give this a try.

I know its exciting enough to haul in a nice bass on lite tackle but from what I've read on the net, catching a large fish on light fly fishing tackle is the ultimate.

I have to give this a try and see if I am missing something.

Re: [bytebull] 13 inch Crappie on a Fly Rod - 20inchbass - 05-20-2010

Do it bytebull. that was what I was wondering before so I just did it, and sure enough now I'm hooked. It does get a little expensive but it is worth every penny in my opinion.