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ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - chrome_junky - 07-14-2010

Latley i have felt like the idaho fishing board has been under attack. From people whos only goal on this site was to start conflict. After multiple attempts of trying to communicate with the parties that i thought were responsible and telling them that they needed to knock it off or i would have to take action nothing changed. well my words were ignored and i am completly sick of watching my friends have to deal with this very very annoying level of stupidity i finally had to use the ban button. So just to let you know jimmyray and bovis are banned from the idaho board.

those of you who have been on this site for the last year with me or met me in person know that i have no issue with anyone speaking their mind and i will normally always be the first to do so but there comes a point and time when enough is enough. i stand by my actions to ban these members fully aware that i will most likely come under fire from some members. all i have to say to that is if you dont like it GO SOME WHERE ELSE!!!!!
this forum is to discuss fishing in idaho . not to start or antaganize issues that have no buisness being talked about on this forum. we are all mostly friends on here and i hope we can keep it this way. this is the best forum on the whole site and i and windriver intend to keep it that lets keep the swearing and ignorance out of the conversations as best as possible ladies and gents.

happy trails

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - cpierce - 07-14-2010

You have a round of applause from me for governing things on here.

You've got a hard job, but you have to stick with the rules.

Thank you!


Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - albinotrout - 07-14-2010

I have no problem with your actions. I hate it when character bashing or argumentative people start to ruin a good thing. Bravo!

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - iwantabuggy - 07-14-2010

Thank You!

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - Belasko - 07-14-2010

Knew it was only a matter of time. Thanks for stepping up and doing what needed to be done. The site will be better for it.

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - iliketofish - 07-14-2010

Thanks! You guys do a great job. This forum is great! I really hope we can keep it that way!

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - Bassnbob - 07-14-2010

Well stated. It needed to be done.

Now we can get back to the status quo. [fishin]

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - idahopanfish - 07-14-2010

Thank you

Re: [idahopanfish] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - StacyR - 07-14-2010

I certainly won't miss 'em. Good riddance.

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - ditchbanker - 07-14-2010

Thanks. I was almost baited into arguing with them on a couple occasions, but realized it would only be gas on a fire to comment on their posts. Instead, I'll thank you on this one.

As a new guy I appreciate the helpful attitude most of the users here have shown me. It's a good site here on the Idaho board, and I hope it stays that way.

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - tob04002 - 07-14-2010

I knew those guys were impostors.

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - L_P_R - 07-14-2010

Well stated c_j!!! I just chose to ignore their stupidity and it didn't really bother me, but what you did needed to be done. To bad it had to come to this, but it was necessary. You guys are doing a great job and I hope you stay with it.

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - AverysAdventure - 07-14-2010


Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - IAintLying - 07-14-2010


Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - Untangler - 07-14-2010

Thanks CJ - I think you gave him/her/them plenty of opportunities to be cool and they made their choice. You did the right thing.

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - Kodiak1 - 07-14-2010

We don't say it enough: thanks for doing a great job as moderator. I wish I was like a lot of others on this site and be able to ignore this stuff, but I always have to attack racism and religious and political intolerance head on. Anyway, let us just get back to talking about fishing!! Again, thanks to you guys. Mike

Re: [chrome_junky] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - jimpete525 - 07-14-2010

Good Job! I don't think you will get to much back lash everyone knows that those guys just wanted to start trouble. Thanks for keeping the Idaho board peaceful.
You did what had to be done.[Smile]


Re: [jimpete525] ALL IDAHO FORUM USERS PLEASE READ. - REAL_RAT_FINK - 07-16-2010

Great~! Keep this fishing and fishing only! I want fishing reports, not opinions!!!