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Another U boat 2000 - Printable Version

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Another U boat 2000 - Jay76 - 05-15-2011

Picked up another U boat 2000 combo off ebay last week for only 32.00 + shipping, so today my cousin and I decided to to head up to Jess Ranch in Applevalley to try our luck at some bass fishing. When we arrived, the temp was around 70 degrees with a slight breeze, the float tube launch had about 50 feet of solid algae mats we had to kick through and the water level was down. After the early morning workout, the day turned out to be pretty productive.

Re: [Jay76] Another U boat 2000 - TubeDude - 05-15-2011

[cool][#0000ff]Good report. Nice work.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Always good to turn lemons into lemonade. I hate having to fight through shoreline aquatic growth to get out to fishable water. If it is an ongoing problem you can try using a push pole...made from a discarded ski pole. It will tuck in behind your rods when not in use.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Nice basses. Amazing how they will hit such a big lure sometimes. I have caught small bass on big plugs that were almost as big as the fish. They got attitude and a lot of overconfidence. Kinda like an ant crawling up an elephant's leg with rape in mind.[/#0000ff]

Re: [Jay76] Another U boat 2000 - ydoc - 05-15-2011

Nice job... on BOTH the snagging of that U-Boat at that price AND the "basses"! [fishin]

Re: [Jay76] Another U boat 2000 - cpierce - 05-15-2011

Nice score on the float tube! It is always great to have additional options on "loaners" or backup tubes. I believe I have 3 or 4 extras myself!!

As we have another cold front moving in here in Idaho, I am having serious 70 degree weather envy!! It looks like you had a great time breaking the new tube in and in schooling a few good bass! Thanks for sharing!!

Re: [Jay76] Another U boat 2000 - albinotrout - 05-15-2011

Very nice to have a second tube. I have a nice fleet growing myself from 2 toons, 1 FC4, 1 caddis uboat, three round tubes. Nice fish too!