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Angler Lands New Oklahoma State Record Largemouth Bass - Printable Version

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Angler Lands New Oklahoma State Record Largemouth Bass - theangler - 03-26-2012

A new Oklahoma state record largemouth bass was caught Friday, March 23, at Cedar Lake in southeast Oklahoma. The fish weighed 14 lbs. 12.3 oz. and was caught by Poteau angler Benny Williams, Jr. while on a camping trip at the 78-acre LeFlore Co. lake.

Williams caught the bass at 11 a.m. on a ΒΌ oz. Striker King jig. This fish measured 26 inches in length and 22 3/8 inches in girth.

Williams' fish breaks a state record held since 1999 when William Cross caught a 14-lb. 11.52-oz. bass from Broken Bow Lake.

"Catching the state record largemouth bass in Oklahoma is a big deal and catching a fish this large is a big deal," said Barry Bolton, chief of fisheries for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. "It speaks to the quality of fishing we have in Oklahoma and also to the anglers who get out there and fish for them. We congratulate him on his great catch."

The last two state record largemouth bass as well as several from the state's Top 20 Largemouth Bass List have been caught in the southern and southeast regions of the state. Fish are cold-blooded, so their metabolisms work faster in warmer conditions and they grow more rapidly. Lakes in the southeast region of the state tend to warm up earlier and cool off later in the year than in other regions, which affords these fish a longer growing season.

According to Gene Gilliland, assistant chief of fisheries for the Wildlife Department, Cedar Lake has been known to produce big largemouth bass for anglers in recent years - not only because of its southeastern location, but also because it has a history of receiving Florida strain largemouth bass through the state's stocking program.

"They grow pretty fast down in that part of the state," Gilliland said. "Cedar Lake has produced several double-digit fish in the last five years."

Anglers who believe they may have hooked a record fish must weigh the fish on an Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture certified scale, and a Wildlife Department employee must verify the weight. For a complete list of record fish and the procedures for certifying a state record, consult the current "Oklahoma Fishing Guide" or log on to

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Benny Williams, Jr. of Poteau landed the new state record largemouth bass March 23 at Cedar Lake. The fish weighed 14 lbs. 12.3 oz.

Re: [theangler] Angler Lands New Oklahoma State Record Largemouth Bass - fsh4fun05 - 03-27-2012

Great lateral line on that fish. That's going to make a great mount! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous.

Re: [theangler] Angler Lands New Oklahoma State Record Largemouth Bass - Paulpro - 03-27-2012

Now Thats A Bass!,Jeez,I get them here 26" but in half the weight,and their healthy,what,I got to catch a 30" + bass to meet that weight?here is a 26" bass of S.FL

Re: [theangler] Angler Lands New Oklahoma State Record Largemouth Bass - bytebull - 03-27-2012

omg does that count in the contest? lol...

gone catfishing... that is *edited* nice man...

good catch.

Re: [Paulpro] Angler Lands New Oklahoma State Record Largemouth Bass - bytebull - 03-27-2012

just me or is there a lot of record bass being caught.

girlfriend is slapping me for staying on line when the big blues are biting at one of my fave spots..

but why are so many good large bass being caught?

Even I am catching bigger bass than usual.

Whats up?

Re: [bytebull] Angler Lands New Oklahoma State Record Largemouth Bass - bytebull - 03-27-2012

that can't be in our contest at bft right?...
I am still letting my time expire...

I got 10 blue cats yesterday all over 10lb. brought them home.

I don't break my state laws. I can't catch anymore til tomorrow at noon.

They make those regulations for a reason.

my wife and her friends are there today drinking and getting those big blues while they bite.

You don't know me.

Re: [bytebull] Angler Lands New Oklahoma State Record Largemouth Bass - bytebull - 03-27-2012

I am home.... I can't catch anymore till today afternoon 27...

I don't break arkansas laws.

I got my 10 yesterday.

man I wish I was there with her and her friends....

she is a good fisherwoman... watch a good fish


Re: [bytebull] Angler Lands New Oklahoma State Record Largemouth Bass - bytebull - 03-27-2012


Re: [bytebull] Angler Lands New Oklahoma State Record Largemouth Bass - Paulpro - 03-27-2012

Down here it always gets good about this time,April,I usually catch a lunker around then around my b-day.Right now I should be fishing,but my fishing buddy is in Guyana.Waters are getting warm,I should hit up the lake.Now is the time everyone