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Canada Fisheries Act Changes would affect Salmon, and other news - Printable Version

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Canada Fisheries Act Changes would affect Salmon, and other news - salmonthink - 03-27-2012

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
Media Leaks Indicate Canada Poised to Gut Fisheries Act
Removal of habitat provisions from the Fisheries Act would jeopardize protection of wild Atlantic salmon. Read more about this.

A PETITION to keep habitat protection intact is online, and we ask anyone concerned  to sign on for the protection that all watersheds and marine areas need.

600+ Scientists Write Canada's Prime Minister on Habitat Protection 
More than 600 scientists have written Stephen Harper to demand habitat protection be maintained in the Fisheries Act.

EIGHT More Charges for Cooke Aquaculture
Recently Cooke Aquaculture was back in court. Eight new charges were brought related to alleged use of illegal pesticides.

Sue Scott on the Perils of Salmon Aquaculture
In a piece published in the Huffington Post, ASF's Vice President of Communications Sue Scott explains the need to rethink the present open sea cage approach to aquaculture. Read more: