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Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-05-2013

Ice is 4". Have not caught one yet. Seen a few cruising through on the AquaVu. Had some bites, but slow. Been here since 7:30. Fishing east of the boat launch. There is a wheeler on the ice.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-05-2013

We were fishing off a point in 18' of water. We just moved to 24' In a lil bay. Water is now 24' already seen a fish on the cam. Ppl next to us are catching same depth. They have 6 on the ice 16"-18" bows. Fish are now swimming through at 15' just missed them . Will keep you posted. Tent is hot beer is cold good day.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-05-2013

Bad news. Notta Enchilada. Still no fish. I thought I was a good fisherman. Maybe not. Fish finder and camera, still no fishies. Atleast not breathing smog. Planning on staying a couple more hours. The ice is talking. I will keep you posted.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-05-2013

Just got one. 16" bow on a maniac cutter bug pink in color tipped w/pb. No skunk yes!

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-05-2013

SLOOOOOOOOOW MY FRIENDS. Ice is safe though. No snow, lots of thick frost on it easy walking. Only slick after the frost is off it.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-05-2013

Going to pack it up my friends. Take care.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-05-2013

Ok, I lied. Getting ready to leave put some techno on. Low and behold just iced in two bows in two minutes. Gotta be the music. It worked at Scofield last weekend.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-05-2013

Still here we are catching fish now. This will be my last post take care friends.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - CoyoteSpinner - 01-05-2013

Ah the smart phones...

so, um - techno - is that a color of powerbait? [:p]

glad it worked and got ya some action. When in doubt - move about...

Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-06-2013

Hey Yote, by the looks of the views, that smart phone got a few looks on the web. Ended up having a nice day of fishing. When I was driving south on 5600 west (looking@the smog), felt like I was driving into a war zone. Regardless of the results of fishing today, get out of the valley folks. Go for a ride, it's worth it. I will be leaving for a work trip to Texas on Monday. I can't wait and that is one my least favorite places to be. This smog is hell.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-06-2013

I forgot to finish the ? for ya Yote . Techno is a beat, a song, you would not understand.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - fmrusmc - 01-06-2013

Thanks for keeping us updated. I like the live reports. Techno brings in the fish huh? To me its an assault on my eardrums! But if the fish like it, I may have to try it.
Either way, sounds like your day beat the hell out ofsitting in the soup in the valley.

Re: [fmrusmc] Live@EC - weinerz4chopz - 01-06-2013

Tiesto, fmr . Yes techno. No lie. The song everything is the name of it. It attracts trout. YouTube it, it's a nice song.

Re: [weinerz4chopz] Live@EC - CoyoteSpinner - 01-06-2013

I was just ribbing ya. Sounds like a fun venture, and I'm all for getting up and out. Beats wearing a groove into the couch!

So do you have a BOSE box, or submersible subwoofer to bring the sound down? Fish do like waves and good vibrations!!!

And trust me you - I do know music, though prefer the more traditional Melody, Harmony, Verse-Chorus, ya know - actual NOTESes.

I think my boy's calling it "dumbstep" - (ok HE calls is "dubb" I call it "dumb") - every generation has to have a beat to affront their folks ears with. I'm with you FMR.

I had the Who singing "My Generation" eyonds ago, so it's all good.