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A Strawberry Day - Printable Version

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A Strawberry Day - whatyausin - 11-12-2013

Launched the pontoons from Renegade this morning just after 9:30 am and fished until 2:30 pm. A little wind kicked up around noon but not too bad, nothing like last Friday. We didn't get any fish until we were out in 30+ feet of water and stripping seemed to work better than just trolling. A white bunny and Crystal Meth were producers for us today. Sadly I left my camera in the truck but most fish were in the 18" range.

Re: [whatyausin] A Strawberry Day - Tangled_not - 11-12-2013

Good to hear you got a little revenge today. Always good to give them a sore lip!

Re: [whatyausin] A Strawberry Day - OldTroller - 11-12-2013

What does a "crystal meth" look like? I don't dare do a google search on that subject.

Re: [OldTroller] A Strawberry Day - flygoddess - 11-12-2013

Me too. My brother in-law came up with a fly he called that about 10 years ago that was a red chenille body and white bucktail for over wing and tail (like the showgirl).

Re: [flygoddess] A Strawberry Day - whatyausin - 11-12-2013

Some flies are Fly Shop specific as you all know. These flies are from Mickey Finns Shop in Kayesville. The Krystal Meth is pictured along with the White Bunny I used. I also tried the Pasty Gangster and White Zonker but did not get any hits. I hope this helps.

Re: [whatyausin] A Strawberry Day - flygoddess - 11-12-2013

So, your crystal meth is just a white bugger tied with Estaz. I have those, just called them white crystal buggers[laugh] Didn't work for me.

Re: [whatyausin] A Strawberry Day - sinergy - 11-12-2013

I thought the Crystal Meth was a Salmon Roe Fly tied with crystal rope bunched up to look like a egg sack.

Any how I tie a similar fly called a fugly but use purple uv chenille
Im sure white work well also.

Re: [sinergy] A Strawberry Day - whatyausin - 11-12-2013

We all need more flies and the time to use them.

Re: [sinergy] A Strawberry Day - flygoddess - 11-13-2013