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Nocturnal Shark Week!
Bait Casting At Night In Shark Infested Waters!

Last night saw a lot of strikes from Bonefish to Jacks & Needlefish. Even a monster Burrfish Puffer. It was +3/4 moon phase and was fairly lit-up. The surprise was the sharks. Rarely do we hook soo many. But further inside at Chocolate Beach a lot of young Hammerhead Shark pups are being caught for the past week. I think it's just this time of year that the pregnant females are in to give live birth to their pups.

I was fishing all day & was bagging Bluefin Trevally to Bonefish. Then my friend Dustin Jed came with his friends to fish the night shift. Dustin is an amazing young angler to fish with. We met at Chocolate Beach years ago. At 30min after sunset his main rig's bell started to ring. That live Goatfish bait was getting nervous! Then 10sec latter all hell erupted! The fish took off for the channel & didn't stop. The surging run & no head shakes showed it was a massive shark he hooked. After 30min Dustin was able to start bringing it in slowly. I could see the water disturbances at roughly 60ft out before it hit the shallows. The shark started to "bounce" off the bottom & eventually cut through the leader line. Dustin measured the length of chaffed rub line to where the hook was. This shark was well over 10ft.

The Black-Tip Sharks were safely released after the hooks were pulled out. Seems the pregnant females in lagoons, bays & harbors are in to give birth to their pups.

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