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Echo Today With School Class
My son and I were invited to help a high school class learn how to ice fish today. The two of us got up to Echo at 7:00 and drilled some test holes north of the ramp. We found fish on the first drop. We had average size perch hitting our lures before we could close the bail and tighten the line. We used the normal jigs and baits. About 8:00 we had trout come through and caught several ranging from 14" to 18". Three of them browns and the rest bows. At 9:00 the high school students bus pulled up. I started drilling holes all around our spot and in no time the kids were pulling perch out of the ice. Their teacher had prepared them well and most of them did very well on their own. A few of the kids had their rigs set up wrong and after a change of tackle the fish were on the ice. They all caught perch and a few caught some trout but by 11:00 things began to slow down a bit. The hits were a bit slower and softer but the kids that were still trying would pull one up every few minutes. They were well behaved and had a great time today. It is great to see a teacher instill the love of the outdoors into his students. My hat is off to Mr. Lee from Roy High School. DKS

I wish my skool would take me ice fishn.

i am goin to roy.... Just kidding BL for life..

WHAT?????? they got to go fishin, and not get counted for sluffing. that is SOOO cool.
Granite Park Junior did that for the last 3 years. Not this year, though. My old gym teacher, Ms. Vreeken, is an avid fisher woman. She set up two trips a year. In 7th grade-2001, we fished pine view, and all the kids nailed them. 20-30 fish a piece. In 8th-2002, it was Pine view again, this time I was one of the people who helped out all the others. I still wound up catching my first 2 muskies that day. They also went to Bountiful pond in may, but I was gone Halibut fishin in Oregon. Last year, she started us off with a full day trip to Willow pond. I showed a bunch of 7th graders how to fish for trout with artificals. In the winter, we fished Pine view again. This time only one perch, that I caught.
In 7th and 8th grade, Mickey Anderson helped us out. One hell of a guy. Provided bait and tackle from his store. In 9th, the DWR helped. They were late both times.
These were the experiences that made me belive that school could, and would be fun. thank god for Ms. Vreeken, and Mickey Anderson!
Now thats what I call "Playin' Hooky"!! Good to hear you had a good time.

Yesterday afternoon I dried Echo near the dam and did well on the bow's but the perch were being a bit snitty......
Hey how were the edges? I heard that they were soft! i am hopefully going there saturday and i have a fear of falling through the ice! It happened to me once and that was enough![pirate]

If you are talking about the same Mickey Anderson that I know, you are right, he isa a nice guy. The Mickey I know is at Fish Tech. I have known him for more than 25 years. In my opinion, he is one of the very best fishermen in the state, if not the best. He's a good guy to know if you like fishing.

The edges are soft. I didn't have a plank and walked out on wet edge ice. It did break through for about 8" and then you hit the old ice. It is even softer going back. I had high top water proof boots that kept me dry. The kids got on the ice farther to the south of the ramp and there was a plank over there. It is only soft for about 6'to 8'from the edge then about 15" of clear ice. Be careful this time of year. DKS
i have known mickey since high school. very nice guy and one hell of a fisherman. i always make it a point to see him at the sportsman's expo every year. He has a nice store also.

hook um in the jaw
I grew up in the same neighborhood as Mickey. Are you related to him?

not to my knowledge i'm not. we were in the same grade in school.
That is so cool! Good on you for helping out and good for the teacher taking them to the ice. It is very good to introduce kids to the outdoors.
Yep, one in the same. His wife, Mary, is really nice, too. My favorite vice principal ever! Only VP I've ever known that could ice a perch as easily as anyone fishing.

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