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Spring Break
Spring Break for us college kids is next week. I was wondering what everybody is going to be doing for it. I'll be enjoying every minute of it I can so if your heading out some where down south let me know and I see if I can make it.

No school, No work, no worries.
Racing over fishing? Where are your priorities?
Well, I'll have 3 days off from school -- Woo hoo!!!! Oh wait, ...........that just means I'll have more time to go to work. Guess I won't be going anywhere. Well, hopefully I'll still be able to get in a fishing trip or two over the weekend. For sure it will just be a couple hours here or there though if I do.
[Wink]well I am hoping to get out of this city for a while this weekend and get out on the ice before the ice all goes bye bye...
spring break = more hours at work [Sad]
Hey cat_man,

Have you ever tried fishing that little pond on the South-East corner of the parking lot where you work? Any fish in there that you know of? Just curious.

I work for the school so I normally don't have to work. I got suckered in to working a gynmastics game so I'll working maybe 2 hrs. Ya 10 days off will suck when I get a pay check but who cares about money. I'd rather live my life happy and die a poor man. Not many people seem to share my view on life around campus but most of them are young and dum still. Too many got visions of green stuff and not enough about life.

10 days and so many places to fish. Ah what to do first.
I will be trying my best to find a good place to fish! any suggestions?

Jed Burton
Hey Matador, yes in fact I have fished that pond last summer a couple of times. When I'd get to work after class (middle of the day) the lot was always full so I had to park way at the back by that pond. I noticed that it was full of big carp jumping all the time, so I made note of it and thought I'd get one for catfish bait. Which is exactly what I did. The pond is only about 1 - 2 feet deep at least on the end by the parking lot -- maybe deeper closer to the road and the culver that goes under the road. The carp will slurp up a piece of bread off the top or bottom, and will take worms readily too.

Who knows if there is anything besides carp in there. I caught a couple for bait. It looks like it may be connected to the golf course ponds across the street by the culvert I mentioned. I'm not sure though. I wonder if those ponds at the golf course (much bigger than this one) connect to Provo Bay somehow. If so they could have any number of mudcats, bass or whatever else in there. I really don't know I just know that it's full of carp.
Very interesting. I was hoping you might mention bluegill or bass. I am not one to go after carp though. Thank you for the answer.

Hey jed I don't really have any good suggestions for up north but if your heading down south we could meet go fishing where. I'm just going to make the rounds to all the local lakes until I run out of money or something else comes up. I'm getting the fly fishing bug so I'll probable hit a couple of the local rivers and streams.

I like this break better then the fall semester. Right in the middle and just after all the mid terms are over. I don't know about you guys but I really needed this break.
hey let me know what lakes you are going to hit, because there is a chance i will be headed down to pinevalley near st george to visit my wifes grandparents, so that could be a definite posibility.

Jed Burton
Jed I'll send you a PM. I guess it depends on when your going to be down south.

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