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[font "Arial"][size 2] [/size][/font] [#0099ff]Okay, guys and gals, with mother's day approaching, let us hear some stories of what you have done for your mother or that was done to you (if you are female). [/#0099ff] [#0099ff]So lets hear those stories.[/#0099ff]
[Smile]well bud, use to take ma out ot eat alot, on mothers day, but this one time, we went over thru to echo lake and went fishin, her i and cliff. cliff was only bout 4-5 and took a picnic lunch-supper, cooked out hot dogs on the ramp, and made a tader salad. we started fishin and ma ended up with the first trout, then cliff then back and forth we went. haha i couldnt even git my line hooked say nothin bout fishin. ahha the two of them were goin right tight neck to neck. course heppin cliff pull em in didnt hep. haha but the two of them were havin a ball. laughin, i won,t fiergit i,ll tell ya. haha cliff in his straw hat, and ma havin me put the bait on. haha plus cliffs too. ahha we finally cooked the hot dogs bout dark, after ma catchin her limit couple times, and dub too, but threw back the ones after catchin their limits, and ididnt even git a chance to throw in. ahah but i had fun watchin and heppin them.i miss those days. especially when mothers day comes around now. and cliff aint little no more. hope everyone had a good mothers day. later mare
ever tasted a baking soda cake , just get the flower and baking soda portions mixed up and you'll know what it tastes like [Tongue] , yuck !
haah what ya makin one?? idont think i,d like it neither. ahha hows the fishin goin?? i caught a big horn pout the other nite and made a chowder out of it. jack liked it whole lot. later almost 2lb.s made alot of chowder. haha later
rain , rain , and more rain ! it usually starts right as i get off of work , lol !

were in a flood spell , my regular fishing hole is below a dam , and it's ticked off right now . i can't get more than three feert from shore without being chest deep and holding on for derr life .

lots of roads washed away where water never has been before , some 15 feet deep down .

our trout stream usually a foot or two deep is now up to my arms , long story there , but i needed a bath anyway , lol !
[shocked]oh my lord! YOU BE CAREFUL! never mind fishin yet! rather have ya round here than talkin to ne from up above [angelic]thank you very much! ya hear me! aint worth it! you or anybody else! hear! the old lady is SPEAKIN! HAHA DAVE,S GOT THE MOMMA SWAN AND 7 LITTLE ONES THIS YEAR. LET THENM SWIM IN THERE NOT YOU! HAHA did ya hear bout cliffs fish he caught?? 5 3/4 in rainbow out our black river! gonna seeif its a record fer that river. later be careful please![Smile]

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