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Maiden voyage on Lake Mead
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] Well, I finally made it out for a test run with the float tube. My tube was a stripped model. Didn't have any attachments or bells and whistles. Just me and the tube. At first I wasn't having a good time because I felt like I was laid back too far. Also, my fins kept coming out of the water and making noise. After a while, I figured out where to put my butt and low and behold I was sitting upright and my fins were staying in the water. Spent a few hours testing and fishing, the testing was a success, the fishing was just that fishing, no catching. Can't wait too get back out.
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] David
Way to go David. Welcome to the world of Tubaholics Anonymous. There is no cure for the disease only relief for the symtoms.

The key to keeping it under control is by keeping your tube wet as often as you can.
welcome and enjoy. You don't have to be tricked out to enjoy fishing from a float tube, but one thing that I think has greatly enhanced my joy on the tube is putting a fishfinder on it so I know if I am fishing water that has no fish,
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] Ok, I had one little whiste. I took along my Smartcast fish finder but, it's on the fritz. It would lose the depth around 40'. I was marking fish around me I just couldn't figure out what they wanted to eat. Due to the limited amount of real estate and knowledge I decided to go out with just a few lures. I have basic PVC frame in the works and just about ready to test. Now I'm looking into either making or buying an anchor system.
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] David
You can pick up an inexpensive anchor from Cabelas or Wallys World. Otherwise it doesn't take much cement to fill a can of folders coffee with an eyebolt embedded into it.
Well done! That first trip on a new outfit is always an adventure. Keep the reports coming!
I usually recommend that newbies spend some time in the tube without tackle, just to get everything properly adjusted and to get a feel for their new system. It's okay to take your fishing gear, but you can concentrate on fishing a lot more after you have gotten a better feel for your craft and how it works.

Anyway, glad you survived it, and we look forward to some fishing success reports soon.
Hey there Powermaker,

Congrats on the maiden voyage. No icebergs in Lake Mead I guess.

I've attached a few things I've made and experimented with and they all work BUT you gotta play with them a little.

The safety float is for anything you put over the side.

Anchor release is just a piece of wire you rig properly. Pre-test it so it will break when needed by hold otherwise.

Have fun above all else.

I use a soft cloth anchor.

Its merely a cloth sack open on one end witch has a sinch rope to pull it closed. I usually just fill it with rocks or gravel at the lake (holds about 12-15lbs) and empty it before I leave. It also folds up with the anchor rope inside and stores nicely in one of my tubes smallest compartments. Just a thought.
[cool][#0000ff]Hey, ya old reprobate, ya ain't supposed to get stoned on the water.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Have you been to LB lately? Heerd tell there was some wallinskis movin' in. I will be tubing it with UtWalleye on the 19th, if ya wanna meet up down there.[/#0000ff]
[size 2] [font "Comic sans ms"] Hey Coldfooter, that's one heck of an idea. Never gave that a thought but I will. I have been wondering what I could use my Crown Royal bags for, now I know. Thanks for the tip.
[size 2] [font "Comic sans ms"] David
Crapper!!! I knew its getting close!
Sorry Pat but I doubt I can do at that time but I'd sure like to and thanks kindly for the invite. I've been ichin' for that kinda action too! Maybe we can hook up the first part of next month some time..

Btw.. the only stoned I get on the water are the rocks people chuck at me. HA!
Just remember to remove all glass objects before tossing in the rocks!! [Wink]
Crown Royal on the rocks!!! What a novel concept. Do you catch anything with that besides a buzzzz[crazy]?
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] tubeN2, would it really matter.
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] David

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