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Tossed leaky one,wife made sympathy purchase
After not finding the leak in my old boat I decided to toss the bladder,perhaps I'll order another later this year.
My wife felt sorry for me(I figure) and suprised me with a new caddis nevada gold last night. Its fairly basic but all that really matter is it holds air.
I wonder if that would work in the opposite way??
Could I turn in my leaky wife, have my boat feel sorry for me and get me a new one[Tongue]

Im kidding of course - a boat is an inanimate objet, it couldnt possibly know to get me a new wife.
It was my understanding that wives typically consider the boat "the other women"[shocked][Tongue].
My boat is just a canoe. Shes fun to play with but not much of a mistress!
[cool][#0000ff]Congrats on the acquisition. I would be keeping the wife if I were you, even if she gets leaky down the road. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Caddis probably makes some of the best craft for the dollar. I have gone through several different models over the years and have always got good value. Here is a picture of a tricked out open end model, like you got.[/#0000ff]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=9530;]

[#0000ff]Hang on to your leaky craft and maybe we can get together sometime for a "search and repair" session. I would accept that as a personal challenge. Never hurts to have a backup system. Heck, maybe you can get your wife to join you on the water if you have a ride for her too.[/#0000ff]
got to agree with tdude about low priced caddis i bought one for 40.00 three years ago and it is still floating without ever needing a repair job
That one sure looks familiar[Smile]. I now use that tube as a loaner in case I have a friend over that needs to borrow one.[cool]
[cool][#0000ff]So now you are the "loan arranger". Hi ho sliver.[/#0000ff]
Hey there,

Whew !! Glad to know we're talking about a float tube!


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