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Anyone know of any good places to catch perch south of Pocatello? I've heard third hand that Alexander has been good ??
I've already given you some advice about perch in the area and don't have any new info. I thought I would make this list which may help anyone that is intersted about perch in the SE region. Hopefully someone else will respond and give you some additional info.

Here's a list of places that I know have perch South of Pocatello. I might forget a couple so if anyone would like to add one or two to the list feel free. If anyone would like to add additional information or disagree with what I have stated about any of the places below feel free. Considering what the precipitation has been like I think the perch fishing in the SE Region will be much better next year and the year after that.

St. John's - had perch in the past but hasn't had much water after structural problems on dam were discovered about 6? years ago.

Crowthers - a few years ago it had a decent population of perch. Recently I haven't heard any good reports about perch fishing at Crowthers.

Weston - It is not common catch large numbers of perch in Weston but the ones that you do will normally be worth keeping

Twin Lakes - most fishermen don't fish Twin Lakes for the perch but there are some in there

Lamont - heard a good report from a few months ago but haven't fished it for perch myself

Johnson - had perch before it was drained a few years ago. I don't know if there are perch currently in Johnson but if I had to guess I would say that there are at least a few.

Foster - has perch but I don't know how good it is for perch

Glendale - has a few perch, all of the perch I caught in Glendale this winter were on the small side.

Winder - earlier this month I didn't have any trouble catching perch. Bite wasn't red hot but I was able to get about 10 in about an hour.

Condie - currently it is one of the better perch fisheries south of Pocatello. When I fished it earlier this winter the perch bite was good but not red hot. If I had moved around and tried different spots I might have found better fishing.

Oxford Reservoir - used to have some decent perch fishing but was hurt by the drought. I’ve tried fishing it in 2002 and 2004 and didn't catch any fish. I haven't heard of anyone catching fish out of Oxford for several years. If anyone has any recent info about Oxford I would like to hear about it.

Oneida Reservoir - has a few perch but I don't know anyone that has caught large numbers of perch from Oneida.

Alexander - I've never ice fished it but have heard some good reports about perch there.

Montpelier Reservoir - had good perch fishing in the past. Was treated with rotenone in 2004 after illegally introduced walleye were discovered. Hopefully the small population of walleye was eliminated from Montpelier but I would guess that in a couple years Montpelier perch will once again be plentiful.

Bear Lake - has a few perch but not very many people fish for them. I have heard of several very large perch coming out of Bear Lake.

Bear River - as well as any river or creek connected to perch infested reservoirs have a few perch but perch normally aren't common.

Blackfoot Reservoir - is strait East of Pocatello but I thought I would include it anyway. Perch were illegally introduced and recently discovered only 3? years ago. Blackfoot Reservoir hasn't been doing very good water wise the last few years as a result of the drought but it may offer some very good perch fishing in a couple years.

American Falls Reservoir - north of Pocatello but I thought I would include it anyway. American Falls has been a popular place for perch fishing in the past. Hurt by the drought but starting to recover. May be good perch fishing next year and the year after that.

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Great detailed info BrianID.

Thanks again!

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