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Yuba Walleye?
What is their status? Are there any in there?
[cool][#0000ff]Here is a picture of one taken in early September, 2005.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have had reports from "reliable" sources that claim to have caught "young of the year" last fall too, while fishing near the dam while all the fathead minnows were ganging up in there. These sources are sharp enough to know the difference between young 'eyes and perch, which were also pretty thick in there at the time.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I personally caught 3 small northern pike last fall in Yuba, so it would seem that there was some survival of some species besides carp. PLENTY of those made it.[/#0000ff]
Actually, that's April 05. I know because it's me holding it.

That was the first walleye reported since the draining. It was good to see one just to know that there are still a few. Also good to not see more than that--we don't want them coming back in full force too soon. In the meantime, there are some great rainbows in Yuba, and tiger trout were stocked last fall.
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks for the elaboration. I failed to note the name of the contributor, but snagged the pic off the board. My files showed that was in September, but no note as to the date of actual capture.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hadn't heard about the tiger trout. Man, if they do as well as the rainbows in there we are in for some fine fishing. I love the perch and the walleyes, but I ain't no purist. I'll fish for trout too. I got no pride.[/#0000ff]
[#505000]Don't let Utah Trout Commander hear you say that!!! Speaking of which he's been awfully quiet lately. Can we assume he's a POW being held by Iraqi insurgents?[/#505000]
[cool][#0000ff]Fear not, the UTC is alive and well, and has been aggressively ice fishing under his original identity. Not sure we will hear much from him during the soft water months. Once the ice comes off, he spends a lot of time curled up in the fetal position, sniffing smelly jelly.[/#0000ff]
Thanks Pat, for that lovely visual picture you just drew. Make me wonder what you do In your time off.
[cool][#0000ff]As I have said before, UTC ain't me.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Anyway, I'm off all the time. Sometimes more than others. I guess that is why we can tolerate each other.[/#0000ff]
Is that what we do tolerate each other. Man I can feel the love.
hey what are you doing sunday. I was thinking about chaseing some eyes. Want to go?
I fished it sunday and got one bass hooked up and lost him at the boat. Had several bumps but nothing really bit. Marked lots of fish and locations - never could get anything going. Ranger told me fishing had been hot and cold - I think the crazy up and down weather pattern is doing that. There was a nice confirmed eye caught at the docks a few weeks ago and there is supposed to be some kind of tournament in a few weeks that they are going to monitor for the eyes and try to get a little better understanding of whats in there. The perch seem to be doing extremely well - high water, lots of cover - I think they should stock some eyes with the perch doing well and not wait - we can catch trout in 1000 other lakes. I am just learning the lake and can see where it can be a great walleye/perch fishun hole [Wink]
Bass? Did you say Bass?
Yes I did say Bass and not a dink [Smile]
No freaking way! Smallie or largie or whitey?
[cool][#0000ff]Won't be any left by Sunday. I'm going out both Friday and Saturday.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]PM me and we can negotiate.[/#0000ff]
I say smallie - my son says largemouth but he is not a very experienced basser [laugh] Fish hit a Carolina rigged tube ran under the boat & popped out of the water right in front of him and spit the tube in our face - by the color I'm pretty sure it was a smallie - and a nice one. I know they have stocked lg mouth down river @ delta & DMAD was stocked at one time I believe. Don't know how it got there but it is definitely there. Bucket Biology maybe?
could of been a smallie. Both the otter creek and the piute have had smallies put in them to help control the chub populations. After the smallmouth were introduced those resevoirs were drained and the dams were rebuilt. It is possible for some of the smallmouth to work there way down stream to the yuba. gshorthair
Hey aprils fools day was 4 days ago! [Wink]
[cool][#0000ff]Over the years there have been both largies and smallies come out of Yuba. There are upstream sources for both and water flows downhill...even in Utah.[/#0000ff]
It flows downhill but it flows backwards
[cool][#0000ff]Now, now, Utah is very progressive...for the 19th century.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Anybody see the new signs on the Utah border? (Now entering Utah. Set watches back 100 years.)[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sure got off the subject on this thread, huh?[/#0000ff]

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