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Yuba 5/27
We headed down south saturday to visit with my wifes family and I took the boat just incase I could slip away for a few,well we did and the rainbows where biting,we where out on the lake for about 1 hour and had 5 hook-up's and three fish to the boat,we where long lining small rapalas gold/black back and gold/orange back about 100ft back trolling at 1.8 on the fish finder,the spot was the south bank by the dam.that whole about 1/2 mile of shore line was loaded with fish,we trolled close to shore in about 18ft of water.there was another boat in the same area and having the same results but I dont know what they where using.
I would have stayed and fished longer but if anyone was down that way this weekend the wind was howling and there was some BIG rollers on the lake and I launched at rockcliff,they where so big on the way back I had to slow down and just motor with them,I was a little neverous and was wondering if it was worth it.It was nice to get back to the truck and kick up the heater.
Hope this helps someone.
Great report ! I was contemplating going there today but i got out voted 3-1 for Xmen3 ![pirate] Man i am gonna head out there after work sometime this week if i can.I know what you mean about mtotring in slowly i have been at utah lake when i gets bad.Glad you got in safe and had a good time too fishing.I was kinda curious to see if they had come in shallow to feed on the minnows.How big were your fish?Any 8-10 pounders? I am looking forward to tangling with them biguns soon![Wink]
nope,was hoping to tangle with a big fish but all where 16-18" and fat as footballs,Everyone jumped out of the water after they got hooked and they sure put up a good fight.
the size of the rapalas was 2" I forgot to mention that.Gold/Orange Back caught most of the fish.but it was overcast most of the time we where there.
Good luck on catching the big'uns hope you get to tangle with a few of them.I had the camera but the boat was kinda doing what it wanted to in them big waves.and I didn't have time to take a any pics.
Sounds like a fun trip! I've been down that way in the big winds before, and it's not much fun. Trailering the the boat is always a chore with big winds! Thanks for the report.

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