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[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]When I lived on the east coast [Florida] I only did salt water fishing. Loved to catch the blues from our local piers. Do any of you guys fish for blues? Now that I live on the left coast I just fresh water fish.
Blue fishing is pretty big in the Carolina's, especially NC. They are so ferocious and such hard fighters. Don't you miss the big salty pond? LOL, I know I couldn't live without it.

They aren't bad eatting either, granted you fillet them while they are still flopping, or you cut off thier tail so they'll bleed out. I always felt they didn't freeze very well, and needed to be eatten fresh.

How did you fish for them in Florida? Did you use cut bait on the bottom, or did you cast lures for them?

Alot of blues in SC are caught off of peirs on cut bait, and some times casting gotcha plugs and spoons, or jigging a gold hook rig; similar to a Sambiki rig, just with a bunch of shiney gold hooks.
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Used mullet chunks or squid. Fished on the bottom or used a float. First time my wife cooked them she baked them. Ug. Poor thing she wasn't a very good cook. Her neighbor showed her how to fry them up. Now that tasted good.[/size][/green][/font]
Not just the first time, but the first few times I tried blue it was aweful. They weren't prepared correctly and had a very strong taste. But now that I know how to fix'em up, I don't throw back blues that have any size to them; unless it's on a hook.

I've always thought Blue made some darn good cut bait, live bait too. King Mackerel love a live 8" long blue. [cool]

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