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Henrys Lake
I guided two gentlemen on Wednesday evening and got soaked with all the rain - BUT- in four hours of fishing we boated 27 fish and lost three huge ones. It was great fishing but it was cold and wet. We caught fish in the A-Frame Bay and off Duck Creek. The beadhead Electric Black and the Brown CB were the two flies to have. The wind was very shifty and was hard to control the boat, but fishing stayed good until 9:35 when they quit us.

Thursday morning I fished by myself and caught 16 with two over 27 inches. I caught fish at Staleys, A-Frame Bay, Duck Creek, Targhee Creek, off the Cliffs, south of Duck Creek and off the County Boat dock. Every place I found fish working I was able to get a couple of them. I only fished for four hours. I caught every fish on the Beadhead Electric Black and tried other flies.

I will be in Island Park with my family and guiding until next Wednesday which will be my next posting - unless I have to sneak down on Monday afternoon. It rained yesterday morning again on me, so the dark flies worked.

This weekend is predicted to be very nice so I would use a lot of damsel patterns and Bead Gold Olive, Bead RC, RC, Bead Peacock AH and Peacoch AH. All of these are very effective during the damsel fly hatch.

To be successful - Find rising fish away from the clusters of boats.

Some have asked where these flies can be purchased. Idaho Irrisesables in Ashton, BS Flies at Ponds Lodge, Henrys Lake Station at Valley View, Red Rock Camp by the Cliffs on Henrys and Staley Springs all carry them.

Best of Luck.

Thanks again for the report. My brothers and Dad were up there a few days ago. They only fished it for a 4 or 5 hours in the afternoon. They only caught a few fish and said almost everyone else they talked to was skunked. The big fish will continue to attract me to Henry's.

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