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Why I fish
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I never go fishing with the thought of catching a trophy size fish. I enjoy fishing particularily on a scenic river/stream. The size of my catch is inmaterial. True I would rather catch a + 16" bow or any trout for that matter. Much more fun than catching a minnow.[Tongue] I am not looking for bragging right. I only have one friend who fishes and it is nice that he is a fly fisherman since that gives us an opportunity to discuss our outings & secrets. The first time that I went steel heading it was more important that I catch one rather than how big it would be. Some people will ask me after I have been fishing as to how many did I catch and how big were they versus did you have a good time. If the Angels beat the Yankees 15-0 then lose the next one 1-0 it still counts as 1 win & 1 loss. Might not be exactly the same thing. I'm sure that very few will agree with my view point so what is your take on this scenario?[/size][/green][/font]
Some of my most enjoyable "fishing" experiences I have not caught a fish. Now I would sure prefer to catch fish and catch big fish or even better catch a lot of big fish, but that is not the point. Thanks to my family and my live's circumstances I grew up with a love and appreciation of the outdoors. Fishing is just another excuse to get away from the city, people, hustle and busel and enjoy the outdoors. I guess I just like God's creations better than man's If I can catch a fish that is just another plus. I also enjoy the chalange of learning a skill and trying to out smart the water and fish. I think that is why I particularly enjoy fly fishing. If you combine the outdoors, fishing and spending time with family and friends well then LIFE IS GOOD!
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]I'll drink to that campfire.[/size][/green][/font][/center]

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