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Spinning or baitcasting reels??
I fish a lot for bass but never have moved from a spinning reel to a baitcasting reel. I just wanted to hear everyone elses opinions on if you think i should switch over because all i have been doing is bass fishing all my life with spinning reels, so what do ya think???
Borrow one from a buddy and see if you like it.
Mmmm, There are alot of pro's and con's to both reels.

Personally, I like a bait caster. I feel I have better control, more back bone, and a more comfortable feel.

Spinning reels have thier place though. I use alot of ultra light spinning tackle when I use smaller, light weight lures.

Bait casters can be tricky to learn, but once you do, you may find yourself putting the spinning reel in the shed until you have a light lure situation. [cool]
[black][size 3]I use both.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]For anything that requires back bone or is not a finesse presentation, I will use casting gear. I have more options with it. For example, anytime I am fishing in cover, or with heavy baits or in shallow darker waters, I prefer the power I have with a baitcaster. It is also very difficult to control the cast of a 3/4 - 1 oz jig'n'pig or spinner bait with a spinning set-up. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Similarly, it is difficult to employ finesse techniques using light lines and light jigs(1/16-1/4) or skipping lighter tubes on the water without using spinning gear.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Each type of equipment has it's strenghts and limitations. It is up to the angler to take advantage of those and use them to be more effective.[/size][/black]
Well i think i know what i'm going to do.
i'm just so use to fishing everything with the spinning reels, but i'm going to start looking for a decent beginning baitcasting combo and try out my luck, so if anyone has any tips on how to get started with that let me know!
[black][size 3]You can check out this other thread for some starter ideas. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3][url ";sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread"]Click here[/url][/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]What would help for giving some specific suggestions is if you could define a little more what you typically would want to use the casting gear for. I mean, what kind of body of water and what area you are fishing in (like northern or southern waters).[/size][/black]
A lot of waters that i fish are in north dakota, minnesota, and montana. i'm really big on bass fishing so i imagine i would use the baitcaster for flippin and pitchin jigs and plastics, along with fishing crankbaits
[black][size 3]For flipping or pitching, a nice flipping stick 7'-7'6" graphite rod would work just fine for you. Matched with a medium speed 5.0-5.3 ratio reel spooled with 17-25 pound test line. That would give you enough back bone and power to yank fish from either wooded or weedy cover.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]However, for crankbaits you might want to consider a fiber glass rod. Those really do help in your hooking percentage and keeping fish on once you have one hooked - much more so than a graphite rod does. The same reel would work fine for cranking - only I would suggest a smaller diameter line like 10-12 pound - maybe up to a 14 lb. if you have cover to fish in. [/size][/black]
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[size 3]As far a plastics go, that is a whole nuther subject.[/size]
You might also want to consider a super braid as appose to mone when using a diving lure. You'll get better action, less water resistance, and an obviously firmer hook set; no matter how far down or away your bait it. [cool]

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