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North Fork of the Shoshone River
The wyoming board is dead so I'll try here. My parents just moved to Rock Springs and I am going to take a trip over. I used to live in Green River and would love to hit the river through town (it is supposed to be hot) so anyone with information on what is good on that part of the river would be great.

Now for the Shoshone River. Anyone fish it? How was it? When? Where? With what? Anything would be great.

[cool][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green]Hi there katghoti - you are gladly welcome to pitch a tent on this board. I am sure that some of our Utah residents will have some information for you. Have done quite a bit of FF around the Jackson Hole area but not south where you are. However, here is some info on the Shoshone River:
NORTH FORK of the SHOSHONE The fish are showing up above Newton Creek. Use Halfbacks, Yuk Bugs and Bitch Creeks, and drop North Fork Specials, Copper Johns, and Bloody Mary's. Go Deep and have a great time on these early run fish! Remeber the river is closed to fishing from Newton Creek downstream to the reservoir until July 1st.
SOUTH FORK of the SHOSHONE - Fishing very well. Hatches of midges are fair to good. BWO's showing up as well as some early stoneflies. Dry flies are Chernobyl ants, Cat Pukes, Trudes, and Sparkle Duns. Nymph fishing with Halfbacks and Copper Johns have been producing very well in the deep runs. Streamer action will continue to be consistent. Try Orange Blossoms and Lite Brite Woolly Buggers. Yellow Epoxy Stones are moving some nice browns right now also.
LOWER SHOSHONE The fishing remains outstanding. Hatches are more consistant than they have been. BWO's are coming on with more verocity, and midges are still around. We are even seeing some small winter stones. Parachute Adams, olive or gray sparkle duns, Griffith's gnats and even Royal Trudes are working well on top. Sow bugs, scuds, bead-headed droppers and streamers are taking trout below the surface. The tailwater section right below the dam tunnels that cannot be floated is also fishing well to dries and droppers. [/green]
The only part of the Green I have ever heard anyone talk about is the section below Flaming Gorge Reservoir.

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