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Rivers end Tackle weekly report
20th, 2007

STRIPED BASS- With the rains and snow of the past week the Connecticut
River will be flooding for about another week. This is generally an
annual occurrence and not the end of the spring bass run. The reports of
people fishing over the last week have been scant. There were some
schoolies in the upper part of Hamburg Cove, that going to be one of the
first parts of the River to clean up. To quote Yogi Berra, I hate to make
predictions, especially about the future. I think that by mid-week
they'll be fishable conditions and bass along Great Island and the mouth of
the Lieutenant River. For the next few days there should be stripers
taking worms at the DEP Piers. The bass in the Thames have been spreading
out from Norwich Harbor and are starting to look for herring.
It may pay to take a ride east and try the Pawcatuck River and the West
Wall off Jerusalem RI.
FLOUNDER- Not a report has come in over the last week. A few fellows
tried but no one came back with a positive word. There should be a few
flats to be had at Niantic.
BLACKFISH- Again we haven't heard much this week due to weather. Its
time, and the season end at the end of the month.

HOURS- We'll be open at 4am for opening day Saturday, April 21st.
Hours next week will be Sunday 5am - 4pm
Monday - Friday 6am -
Saturday 5am - 5pm

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