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Well, I did it!
As I mentioned before, I have a city river (Jordan) with walking distance from my house. Got it fixed up nice with a walk-way all around it, so I walk Elvis around it every day just looking at the water.
Very Murky and Trees and Bushes making it hard to get to, not to mention down trees and tires, and grocery carts IN the water.
Well, today I took the old UGLY (a 7' Berkly Glass rod with a twisted tip) over ther and probably not the best time of the day (1:00p.m.)
Found a clearing so threw out a HARESEAR.

Caught one LARGE CARP...WAHOO, that looked like it was shedding (sorry, couldn't find my camera in time for that one) and about 20" fatty....NICE!
Continued throwing the H.E. out but I am balancing on a ledge with a tree on bothsides and above me so I was more or less flinging it out about 15'. WOW! There is CRAPPIE in there. What a hoot! And I only lost one fly when ano0ther CARP went under a branch.
I found a new hobbie for the afternoons instead of Soapies and Chocolate Bon, Bon's.
Here are some shots and on the Koi you get an idea of what I am trying to throw my line through.
[inline "Jordan River 001.jpg"]

[inline "Jordan River 002.jpg"]

[inline "Jordan River 003.jpg"]

[inline "Jordan River 004.jpg"]
[#500000]LOL...I knew you could not resist it once you put on the polaroids on and saw that first fish...but wow.. never expected fish like you caught in what is basically a trashed stream (from your description).... two carp.. and the crappie.. and you have koi (abandoned at some point Im sure).. but great story and pics.. and you are definately casting from cover.. so how are you casting?? roll cast.. spey cast.. pray cast.. LOL...

MacFly [cool]
Well, I will tell this, I am missing that 10' that is in for repairs. I am more ore lesss sling shotting the line out and try to clear a path so I can land the fish. It is tough, but now I know I can do it. Those Koi are about 20" and up too.
[#800000]sling that like bow cast?? if I were there Id want to try to net some of those koi and put them in the pond that I have in my yard.... but that is just me...[Wink]

MacFly [cool]

I am waiting to see what Pokey-Mon says on them. He has that big pond in his back yard with a few Koi in it.
use to have koi in my pond till a heron came over and had a fish buffett and got everyone.. and I had at least two that were well over a foot long.. since then I only have goldfish in the pond.. they cost less to buy..just as easy to maintain.. and if they die or get eaten is not as big a loss financially... if Pokymon does decide to try to do that.. would love to see pics of the koi in his pond...

Hey FG! Way to go. Wait till you get yourself a fast sinking tip on your boo.

There are plenty of Kitties in there too. I used to fish the Jordan almost everyday when I lived in the West Jordan area.

Lot's of nice Kitties, as well as other surprises.[cool]
Im thnking she is back on the Jordan at this time of day...LOL>.. can't say that I blame her though...

At least for me, when I was missing from school, my Dad knew where to find me.[cool]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Nice going there FGD. I went out today and got skunked. They were bouncing all around my tube. I went topside, down the middle and bounced the bottom & Nada. Two guys near me were spin fishing using spoons. They caught a few bows and stripers.[/size][/green][/font]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Forgot to post a picture of these guy's toon. There sold by Trout Unlimted through Costco for only $299. The electric motor & battery was extra. This was my first trip to Silverwood Lake located in the San Bernardino Mtns near Hesperia.[/size][/green][/font] [center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=25191;][/center]
Hi FG,

I just popped in over here to see what was happening with the flyfishers.

Sounds like you found a fishing treasure right on your doorstep. Now you have a spot for "offbeat" angling. Just think what you can do next time with your better rods, and at a better time of day.

[cool]Maybe you can get Alan to come down and help you trim some of the vegetation so you can have a clearer shot at those Koi. Or not.

That "shedding" carp you caught was probably a Mirror Carp. They are a mutant variety that appears in a small portion of the carp population. Some of them have no scales. Some have a few or more. Among carp fishers they are considered a special catch. Here's a little 4.5 pounder I caught last week. As you can see it is only partially scaled and does indeed look like it is shedding its scales.

[inline carping-7.jpg]

[cool]Just a word of warning... If you keep catching those carp (especially the big ones) you may find that you have become addicted and you don't enjoy catching those little 4 and 5 pound trout like you used to.

Let us know if you succeed in hooking one of those Koi.

Thanks for stopping by Zonker. I was thinking Mirror Carp also, but this one had skin hanging off of him like a snake shedding.
I want to try aaging today, but Alan's camera is suppose to show up and I will have to sign for that. I am close at the water, but I don't think I can run that fast LOL.
Then lets all keep our fingers crossed that the delivery comes early so the rest of the day is freed up.. I am curious to see how this all pans out.. and what kind of mystery fish you may pull out of that stream..

..speaking of which.. I have a bad image of this stream in my mind.. like one that is basically an open drain area with lots of garbage in it... is my mental picture wrong?? or could you take some pictures of the area you are fishing and post them??

I was thinking Mirror Carp also, but this one had skin hanging off of him like a snake shedding.

Sounds more like the fish had some kind of fungus. Yuck! Hope Alan's camera arrives.

I agree, that is touchie, no picture.
Stll waiting on the camera but, gives me time to get all my materials bundled up for the UTAH FLY TYING EXPO this Saturday.
Hope you have a good time.

[cool]I'll be carping.

[#000050]...wish I could of made it up there for that expo.. so please.. make sure and give us all a rundown of everything that happen... curious minds want to know.. LOL...

your scaly slimy carp sounds like my reaction the both time that I landed a they are ugly... they just look mean.. landed one in Japan and then one last June at the Marina at Camp Pendelton...hehehe that was the night (eve of my birthday) that my son in law and I stayed out fishing all night long.. got some sharks.. and a few bass.. either sea bass or barred sand bass.... (not sure on saltwater species)... but was a fun night.. even with that sculpin... [sly]

MacFly [cool][/#000050]

Those are goldfish crap and your new name is MISTRESS CARPY MOJO

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