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Fishing Utah
Dryrod is posting all these great spots I had to drop the "U" bomb.
The past few weeks it has been in the upper 80's and lower 90's.
We had a wind advisory out last night (I think it came from Idaho LOL) that advised taking even small dogs inside. We're not in Kansas[laugh] TOTO.
Anyway, got lottsa wind but today....well more snow in the mountains and raining Cat's and I guess those small dogs that someone forgot to take indoors.
Temp. well a blustery 42 is that for trying to adjust to the heat!
Things are looking good for the water supply here now however.

BRRRRRRRR I feel like I am at Henry's Lake again![laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
I'm sitting here re-refreshing the board over and over wishing i was outside fishing.[mad] I am about 10 minutes away from saying thw it and going anyway. I will get soaked and cold but who cares. It is better than sitting in the house all day. Maybe i will go hit the south fork(ogden) and try my luck. I don't think the snakes[crazy] will be out right now. It is probably snowing up there right now.[cool]
so waters will go up to better levels.. eventually water will warm up a bit.. so.. when will it be optimum time for those from .. what was that state again.. ?? Utow... Utam.. Uthu.. Uhaut.. oh well .you get the idea..

MacFly [cool]
SMART "A" LOL. As poky calls it Utards but you gotta remember he was born and raised here.[laugh][Wink] Good question! Run off will be a little longer, so more stillwater than river fishing
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hey there MacFly55 here is another shot of the Madison. If you look real close with your Polaroid glasses you should see a good size bow. He's waiting for you. LOL[/size][/green][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=26139;][/center]
nice placement of a fish there buddy.. if I was on water like that and I saw something that big swim by.. Id half kill myself trying to get a fly out to it without spooking it.. but then itd be my luck.. hed look at the fly.. Smile.. flip a dorsal at me and keep on going with a s. e. grin on his face all the while.. [laugh]

MacFly [cool]
is the still water for now or main source of fishing for most of the season.. I am assuming that once the rivers settle down from the run off from the snow etc it would be optimal time to go "fish" hunting...[Wink]

MacFly [cool]
[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Did it flip you the middle dorsal? LOL[/size][/green][/font][/center]
Unfortunately we are stuck to stillwater for a couple of months. You are right though when the rivers are on...they are red hot and nothing like fighting a fish, but a fish in a current is to die for. Don't matter what size!
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]I could be wrong but I hear that the river runs about 1½ to 3' most of the year. Certainly not like our rivers here that run 20' deep during the rainy season and nada, zilch the rest of the year.[Sad][/size][/green][/font]
yep...did you see how rude it was to me...geeeeeeeeeeeeze...uppity fish...
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]I could be wrong but I hear that the river runs about 1½ to 3' most of the year. Certainly not like our rivers here that run 20' deep during the rainy season and nada, zilch the rest of the year.[Sad][/size][/green][/font][/reply]
The LA River doesn't count in the consensus.[cool]
LA has a river.. always heard it was actually an open sewer that posed as a river [angelic]

MacFly [cool]
It is a storm drain that runs from the SanFernando Valley all the way to Long Beach where it dumps to the ocean.

It does get it's share of crap that goes in there from the streets. Fortunately they are putting up grills on the storm drain entrances to keep the majority of the trash out.

Lake Balboa actually draw water from there as the water supply for the lake. They still have fish. Tilapia, Blue Gills, T-Gill hybrids, Catfish and Carp all live in the lake.

They used to plant trout but the bacteria level is so high that they die off. They haven't planted trout in there for close to 15years now. I used to take people fly fishing there.[cool]
..good Lord I am on a roll I am right once again.. but not sure in this case that that is a good thing...[laugh]

MacFly [cool]

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