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LAke forest
went yesterday around 6am.. fishing was decent all in all we caught 11 on the day most were about 2lbs with some smaller ones. Heres just a few. I was using a clown mid diver and my uncle was using a holographic spinner. I also threw a red 5in yamato
Well you had a better day than I did. I got my nephew into fishing as well as my buddy in a boat like that. Never tried red sencos. Glad to see they produced. Thats what this board is all about, shareing new tricks. I'll let you know when the blues are strong in New haven. Youb have to taste salt to be converted. Even though I didn't do well, there's now better water than the salt pond.
nice job.its nice to see 2lbs,and smaller bass.they looked nice and healthy in the pics

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