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New to Utah.. I need some bass!!
I am new to Utah. I've been out quite a few times this year with my brother that lives here and he seems to only like trout fishing. I am a fan of bass fishing. I don't know where to go here in Utah? I could really use some help on where to try that's close to where I live (Payson). I'm open to any and all suggestions. Thanks
Salem Pond.....
Really Salem Pond? I didn't know there are bass in that little park? Any with good size? thanks for the suggestion... any places within an hour and a half drive that I can take my boat out on?
Great, welcome to the board. Your brother sounds like a great
guy; fishing for trout and such.......

Make sure you keep all of your legal bass. That will make more room for the great eating, and hard fight trout.
Hahaha I think you and my brother would get along great. I'm not against trout.. I just prefer Bass. So far the only one that's fought hard was a 2 lb brown... fought really hard. I was surprised it danced across the water like a bass Wink
I agree with you cadresults. I am said brother that fishes for trout. You have a better chance of catching something of size when fishing for trout in utah. But I like to humor my younger and less experienced brother [sly], and fish for bass on occasion.
Bass Kisser I do not know what your deffanition of close is but there are Bass in Jordanelle, Deercreek, Utah Lake and Yuba are some of th ewaters that are fairley close. Fish4funo5 and Bassrods should chime in they are some of our resident Bass_aholics.

[mad]Brother... you've just never hooked into a bass with some girth on it. Once you do... you'll never want to go back to trout [Wink] Unless of course you're looking for something to fry up while we're camping haha
Here's a link to the [url ",%20-111.5)&mt=G_NORMAL_MAP"]DWR Fishing Hotspots Map[/url] with a large mouth bass filter applied. That should get you started. If you're also into small mouth just change the "Filter by fish species" on the map and you'll see where to find them too. If you really want to have some fun, check out the fight of a a Wiper at Willard.
Did someone say bass? Leave slime rockets alone they have feelings too ya' know. Like the feeling of being inhaled by by a 4# largemouth [Tongue]. I'll shoot ya pm, bk.
Children please, trout-bass-trout-bass........ I say go to east canyon and catch both lol[Wink] It's a bit of a drive. But, well worth it. Oh yeah welcome!
closest lake to you is Utah Lake. It holds some really nice largemouths, along with some whities, larger carp, and lets not forget some big channels.

All of them beats the pants off them little trout any day!! Well maybe not the whities unless your using an ultra light.
[#0000ff]I just wanted to say thanks to all who responded. Thanks for helping a fellow fishing addict Wink I love the site and I'm sure I'll call on you for more help in the future.. I'll try some of these spots and keep you posted on how it works out... thanks again!

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