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need some advice on casting rod
[size 1]gonna buy a casting rod and start baitcasting. have these options:

Shimano CPC-66MB 1/4-3/4oz 8-17lb 6'6'' 1 IM8 med fast $89.99
St.Croix TRC66MF 1/4-3/4oz 10-17lb 6'6'' 1 SCII med fast $70.00
Berkley SOC661M 1/4-3/4oz 8-20lb 6'6'' 1 IM7 med medium $69.99

So among the three, anyone can give some inputs if you are using one of them?

thanks [/size]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hi there mbright - have only one bass rod as most of my stuff is now used for fly fishing. A couple of years ago replaced an aging bait casting setup with a Shimano VCA 6½' 10-17 wt 1/8-3/8. I paired it up with a Shimano Bantam Curado Strens Sensor 200 BSF reel. It works for me. However, I'm sure others will have a different preference. Good luck.[/size][/green][/font]
All my gear bought is shimano now. They give you a lifetime warrenty with out the St.Croix price tag on the rods. I also own that St.Croix rod and have been happy with it.

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