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Once a cow path - Now a 2 lane road
Sorry got to vent a little...... [unsure]

Dirt bikes were a big part of my life growing up - moto-cross races, trail riding. Rode all over Western Montana while going to college.

I know a lot of people vary on the subject of ATV's and how they are utilzed in our outdoors.

Well this past year I have seen the destuction a 4x4 ATV can do to a prime hunting area.

I'm sure we have all seen - once a cattle trail - now a 2 lane road.

We as outdoors people have got to educate the riders to stay on the existing 4 wheeler trails. Please teach the young people the right way to use the great outdoors.

Because if we don't - the 4 wheeler will rip up every hill they can.

Why are people so lazy they can't use their own two feet to see what over that ridge or up that hill?

I was out bow hunting this last weekend and now the new "golf carts on steriods" are becoming more of a presents. (They are loud).

Can't we make some canyons, areas, walk in only?
I agree completely. There is nothing that disgusts me more than seeing those tracks when you have hiked your butt off to get to an area. The only good thing about them is that it makes people so lazy that if you hike, in some instances, 300 yards you can have an area to your self.
Curtis creek is a prime example. I was up there yesterday and saw tons of deer, elk , and moose while skirting the road about 300 to 400 yards out.
i hate thedamn things!!! i have had my share of exp with wheelers. i hunt a primmittive area in the unitas. no vehicles aloud. hell you cant even ride a mountain bike up ther if you go by the rules. moore than once ive watched 1 or 200 hundred elk blow out of the country. i started to hunt them after a few yrs. if i herd one i just walked in that dirrection. if i found one. well crazy glue is way cool to ajust a throtle wide open. also some 10 pound stren down the trail they came in on. strung acrossed nose hight. makes them stop comming in. know did i dream i did it. hmmmm.
No offense but messin with someone's machine and then possibly injuring them with stren across the trail makes you no better than the jerk riding the 4-wheeler. What you should do is write down the sticker numbers and turn em in. Besies, Karma is always watching.[Wink]
Why not make the punishment fit the crime? If people knew they were going to get thier wheeler taken away and a $5,999 fine I think they would have a cure to the problem..... or maybe the lawmakers don't really think its that big of a problem.
Make the laws, make the penalties stiff, enforce the laws- is it really that complicated?
I have owned several 4 wheelers and i just barely bought a brand new kawasaki brute force 750 and i respect every trail i ride on and never leave the path for instance the place i deer hunt you have to have a four wheeler to get to where i hunt or it would be a full day walk to get there no trucks allowed and it is a managed trail by the forrrest service and there are sighns posted all over about fines if you leave the trail so i agree that there needs to be places for them and place not for them so every one can enjoy there personal prefrences
im not so yung any moore the hot headness went away with my back and legs. i finnaly gave up hunting that entire area because they just kept comming back moore every yr. as far as reg #,s come on i did that 3 times and not once was called to testify or give an id nothing. the forrest service in duch county has to big of an area for 2 rangers. its just fact that connie chung will not do the ruff roads anymoore. she is old and never shows up. i called her one time on her cell from the top she said she would meet me at the trail head. never showed. called her back and asked what happend why didnt she show up. she said it got to late to meet me. i walked 4 miles for her to shine me and 4 miles back to my camp site. the next yr i got a litle even. the fines have to be incresed or nothing will change. i now have the money to be one of thease guys if want to. ride in every mourning back to a nice trailer every day eat take a nap watch some tv ride back out that evening. but am i doing it. never will. i felt the pain of having many elk hunts ruined by other unconsiderations and selfish lazzy actions. for a yr or 2 i was no better no worse only interacting with them. hurting my hunt does hurt me. in my pocket in my back and legs time and food. if ther is no justice justice gets to look differnt sometimes. i regret it now. but i cant chang time. nore would i want to. lessons learnd.
I dont care about 4 wheelers and crap like that..
I Know they are there own worst enemys. Theres more and more people riding them. They are more affordable easy to due payments.
The more people that ride them the more places that will end up getting closed to them. Because its not just a few its like half atv riders break the law... Well good luck because with affordable machines easy payments and low ethics. Atv usage will be limited more and more..

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