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Mini tippet rings
[Image: minitippetrings.jpg]
... saw these advertised on one of the on line fly fishing subscriptions I have.. apparently they aree tied to the end of the leader .. and then the tippet is tied to the ring...

.. has anyone ever used these.. are they just another gimmick.. will using these rings instead of a direct leader to tippet line connection cause your line to be weaker at that point??

.. so many questions.. so little time.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Tippet rings have come into fashion for braided and furled leaders. It gives a tie in point that will not wear. It is convenient for both attaching tippets with loops or attaching it with a knot. It appears to me that with furled leaders made of tying thread the ring should be quite useful.

I have a furled leader butt section from Feather Craft that has one of those rings on it. I have not used it much. Mostly from CRS- - -- I forget that I have it. From the bit that I used it I did not observe any improvement in turning over the fly. I definitely need to do more experimenting with it.

I kept the furled leader and tippet wring greased with floatant so I never experienced the wring pulling the leader and tippet under.

I have often thought that having a tippet ring tied to the end of my mono leader would be useful instead of loosing a couple of inches off the end of my leader each time I replace tippet. But I have never thought there was enough of an desire to order wrings.
..I can see the point of not wanting to keep nipping away at your leader.. so these rings in that situation make sense to me..

.. Im curious about your point on the weight of it.. the manufacturer basically says its weight will not affect anything.. I would think it would have to have a bearing on how fast the leader/tippet sinks.. it may not be a great increase but I would think its weight would make it faster sinking...

.. one of the keys that caught my eye on this was its use in a dropper setup.. these setups have been discussed at lenght several times before.. but if these rings make it that much easier to rig a dropper.. then I would think they would be worth a good look at them...

my other "concern" on these rings is if they would cause yet another point where something could come apart at the wrong time.. you mentioned braided/furled leaders being a good material to use these rings on (more correctly.. you have used in the past)...

would using a monofilament leader.. even a mono leader you tied up yourself.. become weaker at that point.. ??

.. what about a dropper loop instead of one of these rings?? would one work better than the other?? usual gang.. I have way more questions than answers.. [unsure]

MacFly [cool]

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