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Federal Fusions strike again!
[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]After 6 trips to Cache valley and who knows how much money and hours behind lenses, how many landowners and phone calls i made, and how many elk i saw that i couldn't go after, it finally paid off early this morning![Smile]
I arrived at a property i had permission to hunt and drove up to the top of the ridge. It was kind of foggy/snowy and it was hard to see anything. I had not seen the elk in the hay stacks on the way in so i figured they had already boogied to the cwmu behind the farm i was at. I stayed put for a few minutes and then saw 7 cows across the valley i was looking at. They were probably 1000 yds from where i was and moving quickly. i had enough time to grab minimal gear and took off after them. After a very hard run uphill for 1/4 mile, i saw 8 cows on the hill east of me about 500 yards. I stopped and tried to decide what to do. This particular herd has almost 400 head in it and i figured the rest of them had already gone over. I watched to see if the cows were getting nervous and decided to head straight toward them until i couldn't get any closer or they bolted. Amazingly they stayed there watching me until i got close enough for a shot. I felt the distance was a little far but i regained my composure and sat down. I noticed the top 3 cows start to bolt and decided it was now or never. I leveled off on the lowest cow and squeezed the trigger. I missed! Ok, now i am getting worried. Probably my last chance to fill my tag! I jacked in another shell, leveled off as she walked straight away from me at 387 yards, put the crosshairs on the back of her head and squeezed the trigger again. She never knew what hit her. The bullet went in at the base of her skull. The other 7 cows left in a hurry and i sat there for a few seconds taking it all in. I looked over my left shoulder to see the other 370+ elk walking single file about 150 yards from me. I got to watch every one for 25 minutes(they looked like ants walking over the hill) before they were all gone. I then walked up to make sure she was done, notch the tag and left her to get the sled 3/4 of a mile down the mountain.
I got back to her pretty quickly and took some pics and field dressed her. I cut off the head, legs, and neck and still wasn't sure if she would fit in the sled. She finally got in and off we went down the mountain in 4' of snow. I never realised how difficult it is to drag a 300# animal down a mountain in a sled! Glad it's done now.[pirate]
As i was getting close to the truck after almost an hour of dragging, 2 co's met me. They checked tag, license, and all pertinent info. They then inspected her for evidence of sex. He asked where is it? I said right....Oh man, i messed up bad![shocked] I left the mamry glands attatched to the hide and body while field dressing it, but when i was getting ready to leave i cut all the unnecessary scraps off to minimize weight. I guess i cut a little too far and cut all of that stuff off. After some talk it was decided to go back up the hill to the kill site and get the evidince. Luckily, i was honest with them and they were good to me. They gave me a warning and i deserved it. My mistake. Never happen again.[Wink] Really nice guys. Had some good conversation with them. Anyways, here are some pics and i am going to attempt to upload a video. Enjoy.[cool]

Here's the video [url ""][#0033cc][/#0033cc][/url]

Your pike, musky, and walleye board moderator.

If it don't fit force it! If it breaks, you needed a new one anyway.

(This post was [url ";post=386395;"][#000000]edited[/#000000][/url] by lunkerhunter2 on Jan 13, 08, 8:04 PM)
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=32664;"][Image: image.gif][#000000] 2007-2008 cow elk 002.jpg [/#000000][/url](15.7 KB) [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=32665;"][Image: image.gif][#000000] 2007-2008 cow elk 001.jpg [/#000000][/url](20.1 KB) [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=32666;"][Image: image.gif][#000000] 2007-2008 cow elk 006.jpg [/#000000][/url](19.1 KB) [/size][/black][/font]
I can empithize on the going home with an unfilled elk tag, did that my self some 20 years back, and it gets worse every year... [sly][pirate][sly] we have to win one of about 100 tags that are raffeled out every year by the state of michigan..

I would have been happy with a cow, but never saw a single elk during shooting hours... Well there was one, "a big royal" I sat in a vantage point and watched for half the day a mile away on top a hill side watching over the swamp waiting for it to make a move twards land. I had been warned several days earlier about the swamp I was over looking, about 90 years ago the farmer who lived there had fallen though the bog with his wagon and team of horses never to be pulled back out...

Congrats on the harvest... horns are nice, but meat on the table is by far a better bargan than going home with an empty tag...

Just wondering, do you guys have restricted tags on the elk?
Yeah Dave, we have an antlered season and an antlerless season with their own tags respectively. You usually buy a general buck or bull tag, and then in june apply for an antlerless doe or cow tag. If you draw the right tags, you can end up with 1 buck, 1 bull, 2 does, and 2 cows.[Smile] Or if your lucky like me, you can find a nice 2 point buck with a broken leg and the f&g will give you a salvage permit to add to your freezer.[Wink] 4 deer and 3 elk plus an antelope, maybe a moose, and who knows what else you could conjur up.[sly]
havent eaten a moose yet, but been wanting to give it a go, [Tongue]

You guys have any antilope? I am suprized I havent heard about any antilope being harvested.. but I guess that is more a wyoming critter... we dont get to many visiters from there...

michigans moose population is a heard of about 30-50 for the whole state... we got more mountain lions and panthers than we got moose... we cant hunt any of them.. I do get excited when I do see the big cats.. and I dont tell any one about them till weeks afterwards, dont need no poachers chasin after them... just so long as they aint eatin nobody they aint botherin me, and if the house cat gets eaten, well, all I can say is ya should have kept it inside or at least fed so it wouldnt be out in the woods chasin rabbits..
We have alot of goats here, but it is hard to draw a tag for them. Maybe one day i will shoot one. Probably in WY.[cool]
I never could developed a taist for mutten. but it would be kool to have a rams horn to blow on...

sheep lamb goat, it all taist the same to me.. even with mint jelly.. not to fond of the milk either.. guess I was spoilt as a child.. had the benifit of refrigerated cows milk, and the first time I come upon a glass of worm goats milk fresh squeezed from the goat my belly turned upside down... LOL Thanks god for great grandmas. she drank it for me. [cool]

the only time I can eat guda and recota is in lasaugna.[Tongue] and pile it on...LOL

I had 4 deer tags, could have had 5 if I had gone and picked the fith one up, figured I would wait to see if I filt the other tags first.. saved my self 15 bucks, I didnt fill one tag. I had 2 bucks and 2 antlerless and could had a third...

I did do my share of processing tho...

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