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My first big mack!
[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1] [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][size 1]Left roy about 1:30 friday afternoon and headed for BL for a couple days of fishing and fun. Myself and my uncle. His b-day was saturday so it was my present to him.
We got to garden city about 3:45 and decided to head to cisco beach and try for some cisco. Neither of us had ever done it before and laughed like little kids as we did it. We netted 17 in 1 hour and then headed over to do some fishing.
Got to the pullout about 6:30 and suited up for a long cold night of mack fishing. We were set up in my QFIII in about 1/2 hour and set up our poles(see attached pics, [url ""][#000000][/#000000][/url]). These are bad a$$! Been pounding the fish this year on them. He is a good friend and this is the only place you can get them.
After we got cumfy and figured out our seating arrangements and gear we got serious. About 8:15 a fish came up off the bottom and hit us both. My uncle hooked it and it went 9#. In between nodding off, wind, melting ice, moving 2 times to get away from the melted ice, and periods of fridgid temps, we finally got another hookup about 4 am. My first ice mack but only 23". From 4 am to 8:45 when i left to go do the cisco disco, we landed 4 more and missed many many hits. Broke 2 off and lost 2 at the hole. Largest at this point was my uncles 29"er.
He decided to stay and fish while i went to get my limit of cisco. Dipped 8 times, helped elkoholic get his , grabbed a scone and a couple cisco and headed back out to do some more fishing.
I want to thank Scott and the rest of the people running that shindig. Those tiny fish are awesome!!!
So i get back out to the tent and my uncle is sitting there almost crying. When i asked him what was wrong he told me he lost a 20#+ fish after a 15 minute fight. I didn't believe him for a while too much.[shocked] I got settled back in and started getting down to business, After 10 minutes it got crazy again! We missed fish, landed fish, drank some beer, and had a fun time. I had been back for about an hour when i saw a fish suspended and reeled up to it. It gave chase 3 times and then whacked me! After 6 or 7 runs of 30 or 40 yards, plenty of both of us shaking, and pleading with the fish gods to keep it hooked, i landed the largest fish of the trip and my first big mack! 32" baby! It took me a half an hour before my body quit convulsing and shaking.[Smile] This is exactly what my uncle said the big boy had done. Now i believed him.[blush]
After it slowed way down around 12 or 1, the friendly ignorant co's showed up and came straight to our tent. They asked for licenses and started looking at our fish. One of them commented that our smallest fish was a whitefish. I asked if he knew whitefish didn't have teeth and if indeed it was a whitefish i had a new state record and i wanted it weighed.[sly] They reluctantly agreed and told us we needed to reel up and show them our rigs. We did, and they commented that out of 117 people in the area we were, we had the only fish caught that day there.[sly] They got jealous and told us we needed to leave. They said after you get your limit you must quit fishing. BS!!!! We still had another limit of whitefish(-1 to them) and 13 more cisco to catch. Not to mention it says NOTHING ANYWHERE IN THE PROC about quitting when a limit is reached. Will someone please tell me where it says this. Can you not catch and release after a limit is reached??? I am going to make a call and tell the DWR how i feel about these 2 yahoos. They told me if you hook a fish it is considered to be part of your possession. BS! These guys had me fuming![mad]
Anyway, we packed up and headed to cisco beach for the remaining 13 cisco but it was too late. Nobody had seen one in 3 hours. Oh well, i got my limit to last me till next year. If anyone wants more info on the blades or any other tackle pm me or check out the website. They are gangbusters for the macks. I will post a pic of the setup we used.
We didn't get many pics because the cold ate all of our batteries. These pics were taken just before we left saturday. My mom took some pics of the other fish and i will post them when she gets to me.
[inline "ice macks 001.jpg"]
[inline "ice macks 002.jpg"]
[inline "Martins tackle 001.jpg"]
[inline "Martins tackle 002.jpg"]
[inline "Martins tackle set-up.jpg"]
Nice sounds like you guys had a pretty good trip, I will hopefully get into some lakers sometime soon.
thanks for the report, right smart lookin fish too..[cool]

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