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What do you do when your not fishing?
Just curios. I play a guitar and occasionally a little bass. Mostly country and rock but also bluegrass and anything else. Ok not anything (no hip hop ty).
I've also written a few songs but just for a hobby.

Just wanted to see what other people do when you can't get away with the fishing pole

Ok I'm off work for a few weeks and still getting over my cold and bored. does it show???
Hunting and trail riding with the wheeler. [Wink]
cool! That's next on my list to buy is a couple of wheelers!!!
If I ain't fixin' stuff (mine or someone elses) I do like to play my 12 string guitar. Country only & mighty old country at that.
I have a 12 string also. I like that old stuff. Hank williams and Ernest tubb etc.!!! good stuff[Smile]
Family - Hunt - Camp - Work
How about Jim Reeves & pre Gunfighter Ballads Marty Robbins?
No on both accounts but I'll check some of them out. Any songs in particular you would recomend? I'm always up for learning some new (old) songs. I do like "El Paso" but that's the only Marty Robbins song I've played around with.
I use to do a lot of hunting, now I spend my free time working on my house[unsure].
Training pack goats so I can get into the back country to fish.
Try these,

Marty Robbins: San Angelo (longer song than El Paso)
The story of my life
A white sport coat & a pink carnation
Singing the blues
I never let you cross my mind

Jim Reeves: He'll have to go
The blue side of lonesome
The blizzard
The wreck of old #9
Danny boy
I know one
My lips are sealed
I shoot a lot of Archery...i even bring my bow and target out on the ice with me's fun out there when no-ones around and we'll take 80-90 yard "loft" shots! Other than that I hunt a ton and do a lot of wheelin' on my Grizz.
Golf, ride wheelers, work, play poker, camp, and think about fishing some more!
[cool][#0000ff]Lure making, rod building and general tackle tinkering.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Oh yeah, I reduce stress and get a lot of enjoys by whacking errant BFTers with my editing stick and my ban button.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]BWA HA HA HA HAAAAAA[/#0000ff]
Quote:Oh yeah, I reduce stress and get a lot of enjoys by whacking errant BFTers with my editing stick and my ban button.


For some reason, the Wizard Behind the Curtain, in the Wizard of Oz comes to mind.

Or is it the Phantom of the Opera?

I must be hallucinatin from the Scotch...
[cool][#0000ff]No, no, no. Don'tcha reckernize the evil laugh of my alter ego...Dark Waders of the "Evil Empire"?[/#0000ff]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=33786;]
I had forgotten all about the Evil Empire (as he taps his palm to his forehead). Must've been Gold Fever side-trackin me.

But it all makes sense now.

Dark Waders of the Evil Empire... Ouch.
doesn't that helmet get hot out there on your float tube or does it double as a floatation device?[Wink] I bet a light saber would be great for filleting!!!!

in the 2008 proclamation it reads:

It is unlawful to use "the force" to locate schools of fish and make them bite your hook" (page 371)
[cool][#0000ff]I actually have air conditioning in the helmet. Plus, it works great at keeping all the bugs out of my mouth and eyes. Also helps with the "bird bombs". Has night vision for after dark stuff too. But you should hear the screams when i ease up to somebody anchored up at night and use the BIG VOICE coming out of the dark at them. Never seen people actually run across the surface of the water before.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Tried the light saber for filleting. Vaporizes the fillets on smaller fish and wastes too much meat on the bigger ones. I only use it on carp now. I won't admit to what I did to the guys trying to get into my vehicle at Lincoln Beach. Rest in ashes. They will NEVER file a report.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]BWA HA HA HA HAAAA[/#0000ff]
I've heard that wookie hair works great for tying flies. I think it's the smell that does it!!! Nothing like catching a nice rainbow on a wooly chewbacca!!

Just don't smell them once they get wet. WOW

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