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Bass Fishing
Did anyone get out and try for bass this weekend? Just wondering I hear all these reports about trout and walleye but nothing about bass.
I caught three dinks on a Crawbug on Sunday, won't be long now that we have warm windy days.
[cool][#0000ff][size 4]There were a lot more anglers than bass being caught over the weekend. Blame it on cold murky water and changing barometers.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 4][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 4]While you're at it, blame it on Al Queda, John McCain or your choice of the Democratic candidates.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 4][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 4]Any excuse is better than none.[/size][/#0000ff]
Where did you end up going? I can't wait for this weather to get nice. Sounds like it will still be a week or so. Three dinks is better than nothing.
We had some tough post-frontal conditions over the was a little slower than it has been for me, but still managed to stick some. I got my heart broken though after losing a 5lber. I was trying to wrestle it out and over some heavy wood cover then just as I thought I had it in the clear, he managed to find one lone broken limb sticking out off a the hook point stuck onto it then twisted off... Still caught fish though, so it was better than nothing...
We tried down at Utah Lake, but failed miserably! Need a little more good weather and it will be there!
That sounds like a huge fish to lose. I would have started to cry. Where were you fishing I want to try and get out somewhere and try out the boat.
It's actually been decent these few days, I discovered a secret new cold front pattern. Actually do better with a stiff north wind. The first time it surprised me, but it kept repeating and I knew I had my own new pattern. It's been consistent from last year to this. Just keep fishing and you will discover your own patterns which of course you have. For now, I'm gonna sacrifice a few bass days and nail a wiper. Nice job with the almost landed 5.
Utah Lake [cool]
Well, I don't know exactly what your "secret new cold front pattern" is, but I can somewhat relate. In general, during a cold front (when you've got wind, rain, snow, etc), I've been able to have some pretty good fishing. Also, when we've had at least three days of stable warm weather, the fishing is pretty good as well. The problem comes on the day or two after a cold front has passed through....creating bluebird skies, very little wind, and a high barometer. That's what happened Saturday when I went out. Friday there was some pretty heavy winds and it was a bit stormy, and then Saturday was fabulous weather. haha. Not so good.

The past month I've just been using the same pattern at Utah Lake that I've used since I was 16 and it's still working pretty well. I just have to make minor tweaks to it depending on if we're in the middle of a cold front or if it's 1-2 days after the front, or if we've had nice stable weather. I'm just hoping the weather will stabilize a bit, so I can start fishing some other patterns...I'm getting tired of doing the same thing for the past month...
Trying doing the same thing for 4 months, lol. But yeah, almost time to move this conversation to pms again, lol.
Pm's? The whole world knows about that spot now. Last year you could go their and only see a couple people. Now it's a freaking zoo. I've found me a new spot and been getting the largies pretty consistantly.
Oh please...everyone has known about that spot for a long time now and if you don't think so then you are in denial. [cool] I've been going in there for the last 7 years and it has always been a zoo this time of the year. This year is no different. It gets hit hard every year right after ice-off. However, it doesn't bother me because 95% of guys that go in there don't catch anything anyways. They go in, make one pass in like 5-10 minutes, then leave. You can ask treep about when we went in there...7 boats in and out, only one other boat caught fish besides us...and he only caught two little dinks then took off.

The only guys that can actually do any damage have been fishing that place for years (like you scartinez, because I know you got skillz). Everyone else that goes in there are just wannabes. And, scartinez, if you are fishing elsewhere on the same lake and catching largies consistently right now then you are a step ahead of me. I usually never even try fishing elsewhere until the water hits at least 50. Good work...
SB, I fished that place a ton last year and never seen the crowds that are there lately. Ask fin s fish or CBR. I would go there with CBR and fin s fish would always be there in his waders. There would be a few others out there, but nothing like it is today. I never seen you out there so how would you know?
I have found a new spot on UL to get the largies so I've been hitting that lately. Only problem is, I take my cousin and he keeps kickin my butt. He ends up with the big dawgs and I keep catchin 15 inchers.
Ok, so you caught me. You're right, I never went in there this time last year. In fact, I haven't been in there in a few years as I have been outside of Utah. I was just using some logical reasoning. All I have to compare to is from like 2000-2004. During those 4 years, as I recall, that place was always just as packed as it is this year. I was just thinking, if it was popular then, why wouldn't it have been popular since? I suppose that it may have received less pressure in the last couple of years for some reason, but 2000-2004 it was just as much as this year. I have always just considered that area to be the standard bassin' community hole at Utah Lake. Anyways, I don't know why it's being argued about; I've got too many other areas on that lake that produce more and bigger fish to be worried about that spot, and I know you do too. I have seen several pics over the years of you with some pretty hefty toads from that lake, and I'm pretty sure none of them came from that area. LoL.
I don't know why people fish there, the catching sucks, there are places on the lake that are 100x better. Try fishing main lake for bass and you will find much larger fish.

Fishing there sucks, its over preasured and the fish scatter this time a year.

Get confidence to fish main lake spots, back in the thicks and don't forget open water submerged structure, if you can find it. Wink
Definitely, that spot has never been crowded, always just a few people and many times no one. It's dead now anyways which might be a good thing for crowd control. Another thing which caused the crowd to show up was that stupid Sportsman's warehouse put it up on their bulletin for two months or more. I even saw it on an internet site that was by sportman's. So hopefully the tickets and cops have cleared the crowd out and hopefully the crowd will not return again to trespass next year.

That is awesome you found another spot, yes the bass are heating up and soon the beds will be everywhere, and it will be hard to decide where to go. Any day now.......I can't wait!!! In the meantime I'm only landing and releasing dinks too, yep, right at 15" too. Is this some kind of curse? Geez, where are the pic worthy beasts? Where did that one we saw go? And where are her sisters? lol.
I second everything CBR just said...

Oh, and case anyone was wondering, I personally found out about that spot because about 7 years ago I had read several reports on the internet and Sportsman's Warehouse about people catching largemouths in there. That's how I found out about it and that's why I say that it's been publicized for quite some time now.
The toga used to be the "spot" until they started building around there. You can still pull some pigz out but the truth is, there are so friggin' many other spots on that lake that hold much more fish and bigger ones as well. The funny thing is, only in the winter and early spring do you see the reports trickling out. after the main-lake water hits over 55 ... Game on all over the lake.

Some of my very first tournaments were held on the lake and we would see guys with 5lb+ average coming out of the harbors. Chuck and I caught the crap out of them one year around the pump-house. I personally caught my biggest LMB out of Lindon the year before I left for Afghanistan. She was easily over 8.

Without a doubt, my favorite Largemouth Bass fishery in this state. Not much longer before they start turning on again. Mark my words ... "spinnerbait".

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